Skimming/Plastering curves

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Not your normal curves and rolls in ceilings as obviously they are a piece of piss, but Im talking when you get multiple curves, do any of you guys have any good tips/tools to use for said job?

For example, job I was on the other day, the two skilings rolling into the bottom walls, and they were also rolled into eachother, so where all three walls meet you get this mental bit that seems the only tool you could really use would be a ******* spoon, small tools, pointing trowels, small brushes, nothing really does the trick! what do you guys do?

Oh and are there any reasonable flexible plastic trowels/spats out there? I had to plaster the inside of one of those eyelid style windows (you know the ones, proper fancy sort of curve where a small window has been built into the roof), this was also a night mare where the two rolls in it met and nothing was really sufficient apart from persistance and lots of brushing!
Ultimate plastic trowel, there called something else on the Refina site. But same thing. Great for curves
I dont know whether you have a wilkinsons (they used to be derbyshire based but i think they have expanded) but they do plastic spatulas, 3 sizes same as your typical filling knives (scrapers whatever you want to call them). They are 79p at my local shop, and i have a ton of them, i use them all the time. Can cut them down to size if you have a tight spot, and great for scraping window frames without worrying about scratching the frame. I use them when it comes to funny curves and corners etc and just kind of work my way round the curve with them. If you can find some of them, i dont know whether other places do them you will have to look, you will never look back!!
Cheers guys, sounds like just what I need!

d*m**o - yeah that looks pretty similar, hard to see the proper curvetour in a picture though!
i have been known to cut buckets up then a quick file and sand paper the edge and you get a decent little polishing tool that will spread aswll.those little plastic scraper things are good for down side of door archutraves
Nice pics them d*m**o :RpS_wink: great idea that, lifting the floorboards and scraping all that crap under em :RpS_thumbup:
I had a real tight one before xmas, once i got the gear on the lid i used a old credit card , never seen 1 that tight for a while.
done alot of these ceilings abt 4 years ago and found best to get it on and shaped best you can then get the old plastic bag on it. scrunch it up into a ball and wipe it down the vertical curve.Worked for me! Always wondered if a balloon would work on curves just to run along with a splash of water?
Ps binliners work a treat.
I know the ones you mean sort of rolls into one in the corners, i done one and it was horrible to do, nothing would fit in there right.....

I'm doing a couple of rooms in my mates cottage at the moment, and the ceilings roll into the walls in both ends. so i had to do the ceiling and 2 walss in one hit so i gyp bonded it, was a fair size ceiling, but the curves where so tight nothing would go in there, i bagged it in the end.....Got to be a better way
Bang it on with trowel/guager/smalltool or whatever it takes, then get a car sponge inside a carrier bag wrapped tight and away you go:RpS_thumbup:
I've not tried them but saw in Halfords some plastic blades and some steel blades similar to a paint scraper that are used for filling bodywork on cars etc and they looked the business for this type of work and fibrous by the look of them.
i know refina do a special trowel called a gormandi trowel i was looking at them ages ago when i had a lot of these on refurb work but they are about 50 quid so i didnt bother to get one
i know refina do a special trowel called a gormandi trowel i was looking at them ages ago when i had a lot of these on refurb work but they are about 50 quid so i didnt bother to get one
Got one recently, I have not used it but the are huge ,heavy and there is no flexibility in the metal, the arc must be about 10 inches,will let you know if and when I use it, looks like a van minder...
Think about 30 plus vat, bought 40 inch s*p*r*lex spat with it, that was 69 plus vat with postage the total for the two was 129,
so you didnt really use the spat then? i was thinking of getting one of them eze spats but dont know if i would use it i think i would be better off getting me another plazzi flex trowel
so you didnt really use the spat then? i was thinking of getting one of them eze spats but dont know if i would use it i think i would be better off getting me another plazzi flex trowel
I have another s*p*r*lex spat, I do like it on big flat walls and ceilings, saves the shoulders a lot ofbwork
I have another s*p*r*lex spat, I do like it on big flat walls and ceilings, saves the shoulders a lot ofbwork

what size do you have for walls john? 1200 like the speed skim ? i gave that to my bro cause it was just sitting in the van but i do keep thinking about getting a proper spat for ceilings
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