skimming over lath and plaster

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whats the deal with lath and plaster, can i just skim over if its in ok condition, or is it re-board job
you can mate but youre adding extra weight so if it's on it's last legs i'd reboard it if you can ( give the option to the customer) i had to do a ceiling and the lad was adamant he wouldn't pull it down or reboard so i used the mesh you'd use for krend and skimmed over that cracks everywhere ;D
remember if you reboard you'll have a couple of inches on the angle to make good
yeah nice one, i would prefer to board over, but dont think he want to spend da money, might tell him to get it lined, and plaster the walls
always reboard in these situations, it'll only come back and bite you in the arse later
give it a poke or a shove in various places..if it moves excessively its a reboard, if not skim it but dont guarantee it wont crack, let him make the decision...
im doing a house at the mo and it is over lath and plaster we are using that one coat plaster it is very good for this kind of work.but if it was my own job a would re board cant see the walls in this house lasting very long before they crack ,blow etc ..
As most of the replys are saying on the thread , if the old lime plaster has come away from the laths it dont matter what you use its a big dust feast and as you are last one to touch it, its your fault take care mate ,you'd be surprized how much mess it makes
If it's pretty flat just overboard it no need to take it down just screw the board reg intervals with good lengh dry walls it won't go anywhere.As prev posts say take it down and you end up with a house and lungs full of dust and unless you double tack it a ceiling line to make good.
had 2 D&D lath walls some were cracking and fallin but the boss wanted it guessin it will not bond nad come off soon..

he was a rite c**t...when i hacked off old blowen lath off walls he went mad and said i was making more work and he just wanted it over skimmin...some people :-?
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