Skimming old walls

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New Member
hello everyone, glad to be a member as im a keen plaster myself. I have done a lot of through colour render and havent had that much experience with inside work. i had a reskim to do with old walls the other day, i took all wallpaper off gave the walls a good brush and then gave them two good coats of SPR, i waited for it to go tacky then gave it two coats of skim. some walls turned out ok but some cracked. does anyone know any better methods to make it stick?
Hmm, I dont use SBR inside, I either PVA of thistle bond-it.

the reason it crack is cos of the water being sucked out so I would have PVA'd it personally.

Or even better as my recent discovery this week is Wickes bonding agent kills all suction it does every thing perfect!!

stick with pva u wont go wrong. as for the crackin sometimes customers can get bak to you in a cpl of wks time to say ur walls have cracked! ok wat happens with plaster is it is expandable! u get people who;s houses are at a constant temperature and others who;s houses are red hot in the day and freezin at night! when new plaster is in a room which is red hot in the day it expands and when its freezin at night when everyones gone to bed it shrinks!! while its doin this over a wk or two it will crack!! so i always advise customers to try and keep there rooms at a consistent temperature as they can until the plaster has completely dried out..
Did you tape up any exsisting cracks before you plastered it?
Was the cracking like dried mud? Or was it more like single longer cracks?
hello ther just use pva slightly watered down on walls then put two coasts skim on ensure all excisiting cracks are taped with skrim cloth . dont put on too many walls on at one time , can be lot of drying on old walls.
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