skim front exterior of house????

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New Member
Hi people, new here so take it easy on me LOL.
I've been reading through a few threads regarding rendering. But I haven't as yet answered my question!!

I have a grade 2 listed house with an unfortunate and badly finished comb effect render finish. I wish to flatten it off with a skim. The existing render does have a long crack. but it hasn't got worse in a couple of years, and it isn't blown.
My business is interior home improvement, so I have basic plastering knowledge at best, usually skiming a small area is my limit. I don't need the wall to be perfectly flat as it is a peiod property!!so I might give it a go
Cutting to the chase!! What should I use, and what mix. Ultimately what prep should I do to existing render.

If I was to pay to get this done , what would I be looking at??
6m x 2 story . minus two large windows and front door, LOL

Many thanks for your time!!
Mate this is a minefield of a job, one that needs a pro to do a site visit before any advice can be offered .... my opinion.

Oh and you know that skimming is an internal finish only dont you !!??

where are you mac1 ??? maybe one of the lads who know what they are talking about could pop over and give you a visit ???

Ide talk to you Heritage officer first they are very funny what you do to listed buildings.
Thanks for the responce. It is fine to render flat with heritage , and no stipulation on materials. My neighbour had his done a year or so ago. Though he did'nt have to go over the same finish I have to. The exterior is actually lave and Plaster and i'm guessing the sh!te thats there now on the top. Obviously isn't that straight forward then??. I thought because the wall is sound and has a good key, there would be something I could use to flatten it off!! ???

If the exterior is lathe you need lime putty morter or maybe hydraulic you need to contact a specialised contractor anything else will f*** the house up.
is it lathe over brick ???.......sorry never heard of a lathe exterior
spunkybum said:
is it lathe over brick ???.......sorry never heard of a lathe exterior

No, the building is 18th century. part Timber frame with lathe and plaster exterior wall. (common with property's of this period and older) Some knob has rendered over the top with the present sh@t, probably in the 80's I suspect!!..

Found this lot which has been fairly helpfull!! Just waiting to speak to some bod about the way forward. Will post any developments!!
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