single coat of plaster to plasterboard??

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New Member
Chaps - what are the implications of doing a single coat to plasterboard rather than 2 coats? I was always taught to do two coats no matter what - but never really with a reason - granted the first coat sometimes polishes off to a perfect finish - but always put on two anyway.

Is there a good reason for having two coats on plasterboard?

jordster said:
Chaps - what are the implications of doing a single coat to plasterboard rather than 2 coats? I was always taught to do two coats no matter what - but never really with a reason - granted the first coat sometimes polishes off to a perfect finish - but always put on two anyway.

Is there a good reason for having two coats on plasterboard?

not really you can get away with one coat on plaster board as the surface is flat and hollows etc.. are easy to see and fill , but to be honest i apply two coats because you do get a better finish
That's what I thought - I noticed a contractor had done this on site and obviously if they have priced for 2 coats then the client is being double charged. They've also used taper edged board so that the scrim tape is nearly level with the board, thus making it easier to do a one coat!! Think they're trying to pull a fast one there!!

jordster said:
That's what I thought - I noticed a contractor had done this on site and obviously if they have priced for 2 coats then the client is being double charged. They've also used taper edged board so that the scrim tape is nearly level with the board, thus making it easier to do a one coat!! Think they're trying to pull a fast one there!!

teh idea is on site skrim tape tapererd joints sim over joints till level with board tthen one coat the lot. if you dont skimjoints it will be visible when dry. alot of plasterers on site try to get away with this so they can get metres in. if you are good and you can get good finish then one coat , but nice and thick otherwise cracking
teh idea is on site skrim tape tapererd joints sim over joints till level with board tthen one coat the lot. if you dont skimjoints it will be visible when dry. alot of plasterers on site try to get away with this so they can get metres in. if you are good and you can get good finish then one coat , but nice and thick otherwise cracking

Why would it crack if it's put on thin?
You can get as good a finish with one coat as you can with two
as long as you go over the tapes first.
I one coat with board finish most the time & it looks better than most blokes two coat finish ;D
I prefer two coating, but when needs must!
did a 70m2 wall with 4 and a half buckets today 2 coated am i putting it on too thin
spunky said:
nisus have you seen the ritmo machines theyd be right up youre alley mate ;)
you just can't help yourself can you spunky, always on about putting things up the alley....
As about dub out the scrim and 1 thick coat over the top flattern with the 18" when its still a tad wet to fill any hollows then trowel up like normal. Works great on big ceilings ;D
grand wizard said:
did a 70m2 wall with 4 and a half buckets today 2 coated am i putting it on too thin

That would depend on the size of the bucket.

Spoke to a guy who had done an "intensive one week course" in the pub last and he was telling how him and his mate use the finish so quick they mix it up in a bath ???
essexandy said:
grand wizard said:
did a 70m2 wall with 4 and a half buckets today 2 coated am i putting it on too thin

That would depend on the size of the bucket.

Spoke to a guy who had done an "intensive one week course" in the pub last and he was telling how him and his mate use the finish so quick they mix it up in a bath ???
Quality ;D ;D ;D
you can one coat just remember to get over what youve put on quicker cos it will be setting that much more also be neat when putting on dont leave any trowel lines
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