Signs of damp on exterior wall?


New Member
Hi all,

I've now been redecorating, and when I removed a radiator on the wall I found what looks like damp patches (see photo attached - in the darker circles I was able to peel away the paint with my fingers).

I've been trying to figure out the possible cause. The layout of the flat is a bit weird - this patch of wall is beneath a window which opens onto a sort of alcove between my building and the building next door. Usually the alcove is covered by decking, but I've removed a few planks and tried to have a look at the exterior wall (i.e. the other side of the damp).

In the second photo attached you can see what looks like an airbrick, and it looks a bit manky with some dark staining around the bricks above and below. Does this like it could be related to the damp? I've also attached a screenshot of some of the bricks higher up for comparison.

Any help would be hugely appreciated!



  • Signs of damp on exterior wall?
    1.4 MB · Views: 138
  • Signs of damp on exterior wall?
    2.2 MB · Views: 140
  • Signs of damp on exterior wall?
    1.6 MB · Views: 137
This has nothing to do with rising damp ! ....


Solid wall (no cavity maybe )
Internal Plasterboard (Dot & dab maybe )
That would create (cold bridging /the dabs ...
solution remove back to brick & use hard wall plaster system of sorts ....