Should i stay or should i go now !!!!!!!!!!!

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Private Member
Caus if i do there will be trouble,........sat here lookin at the sky is it gonna pissss it down, as much i moaned about the scorching weather last week i think i would rather it be like that ,than turning up the next morn and finding most of the gear on the floor :'( :'( :'( :'(
I didn't even bother getting up and looking this mourning Warrior, they got the forcast so right yesterday that I couldn't see the point, frustrating isn't it :(
My next inside job doesn't start till the 15th then a nice little run, how about you Warrior do you have anything inside on the go?
lot's of small internal jobs all the time but next large job follows this one that is were near completion and thats another render job, just ticking away nicely at the min
jetman how do you get on scraping back when its pissing down?
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