should i go for it?

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New Member
hi guys, thinking of moving to Australia finding some work and maybe settling down. nothing to stay over here for and no commitments so thinking of giving it at a go. what do u lot think? :RpS_unsure: is there plenty work out there and whats the money like? cheers.
a few of the lads i know have gone to australia none of them are plastering tho, they have all said they love it and its the best thing theyve done. if youve got no commitments what are you waiting for lol
hi guys, thinking of moving to Australia finding some work and maybe settling down. nothing to stay over here for and no commitments so thinking of giving it at a go. what do u lot think? :RpS_unsure: is there plenty work out there and whats the money like? cheers.

go for it mate i went there about a year ago to see a swimming pool render,i spent a week there ,it was the best place i have ever been to,and i have been all over, they speak english , and the money/lifestyle is great, they are not in the mess we are, so good luck to you cobber, lol
cant believe your asking that question mate!! get ya sen off

Fcuking too right marra........i cant believe he's still here.......The money cant be any worse then here and even if it is the lifestyle is way better than this dogshit place............Jog on marra.............:RpS_thumbsup:
Sound like I shud get saving n fcuk off then maybe nxt year or2! Lol thanks for feed back lads!!! :RpS_thumbsup:
go to western australia thats where the big money is. my mate is there $500 a day. he is in port hedland.

he can work 7days a week if he wants.
they have got these things out there what they call wimmon [woman]. you can tell the sexes apart it is men that can spit the furthest
Knauf Drywall guy has gone out to Perth this year as business development manager for Knauf Australia..... he will know where there is work for good guys - let me know if you want his E Mail address.

He says it is very busy on the west coast!

Research the visa's, get sponsored if you can!

If you have no ties and want to work hard - Go for it!!!
Knauf Drywall guy has gone out to Perth this year as business development manager for Knauf Australia..... he will know where there is work for good guys - let me know if you want his E Mail address.

He says it is very busy on the west coast!

Research the visa's, get sponsored if you can!

If you have no ties and want to work hard - Go for it!!!
ok thanks alot mate, ive applied for visa and just looking at my options now cheers
Tried convincing my mrs we should move over there, I'm well up for it. She won't leave her fkin mum n dad though. Pussy.
I have toured Victoria and NSW. Beautiful Country, not a rat race like here. I wouldn't say there is plenty of money out there but there again you don't need as much as you do here. Cars last 20 years +, cheaper fuel and even cheaper lpg. You dont need heating as such but air conditioning is expensive to install and run. And it'd hot, very hot!

Properties going on 2008 prices was £100k for a victorian bungalow which was a lot for a first time buyer but and up market property would be £150k. So not a big difference from the low to the high.

Would I live there? No. Mainly because of the heat. If I could find work indoors then maybe but not outdoors. Now New Zealand is in my opinion a better climate but poorer than than Australia. NZ is greener, and at most 30c but I was there in high summer and it was 25c average. Hardly ever a frost either.

I spoke to youths in Australia and they are bored shitless. They dreamed of coming here to get a life. There is nothing for them to do in the smaller towns.

I didn't see much brickwork either, more timber frame than anything. The property ladder was being shown over there and started a home improvement frenzy but mainly new kitchens, bathrooms and re-cladding the outside. Nothing like the scale we have here. You hardly see a builders van around.

So I suggest you take a holiday there first in January and see what you are letting yourself in for.
Got a mate over there who starts at 6 an finishes at 12 just skims over pb after tax comes out with 1700 said there skim is nice to use and is being used more and more I'm going for it son!
hi guys, thinking of moving to Australia finding some work and maybe settling down. nothing to stay over here for and no commitments so thinking of giving it at a go. what do u lot think? :RpS_unsure: is there plenty work out there and whats the money like? cheers.

Hi Bud some friends of mine have just move out to Perth Western Australia he got a job as a postman and take home pay was $2560 Ausi Dollars which is around £2200 this was for just over two weeks work, so get your ass out there and good luck :RpS_thumbup:
hi bud
a friend of mine is just preparing to emigrate to perth WA for the 4 time. he says it does unsettle you as when in oz you keep thinking about the best of uk and when here you keep thinking about the best of oz.
he only wanted to work a couple of days a week, so he started a building maintence business it took off and he finished up working 7 days a week in that heat.
cheers for the comments guys, much appreciated, just payed for visa and looks like me and allyb are going for it maybe around november time, cant wait to settle in and get my head down and earn some proper cash :rolleyes)
lol ive been with my mrs almost 6 years n i jus said im off! turns out she wants to come with so happy days. im goin to get out there and settle down then fly her in after a couple of months :RpS_thumbup:
good luck bud keep us all posted, maybe we will all join you and start a price war lol...just like the UK but hotter :RpS_thumbsup:
Brother in law emigrated 5 yrs ago to WA Perth, worked in construction and made good money to start with, now, the cost of living has sky rocketed and he's forced to work the mines, working away 3-4 wks at a time. He would go back to construction but wages aren't up to scratch anymore apparently.
Ma mate over there wishes he could get a job in the mines, 69 dollas an hour and double time if you do weekends + food and accommodation payed for sounds pritty sweet to me
Ma mate over there wishes he could get a job in the mines, 69 dollas an hour and double time if you do weekends + food and accommodation payed for sounds pritty sweet to me

Great if you're single, but he's married with three young kids, working 8 hrs flight from home. Some of the accommodation is shite apparently, no air con, 70's style fit out, and towels in front of the doors and cling film over the bog at night to stop the wildlife!!
I got family in Perth, they say pretty much the same as Jasper. The cost of food and living is a lot higher, medical expenses are huge. I believe the boom has very much bottomed out.

Be realistic, it's not the land of milk and honey anymore.
I can imagine with a family it would be expensive but if your just over to work for a year on your own you can make some good till! The joiner Ino whos over in Perth Ino says he's putting a 1000 dollers aweek into his Savin account, one of ma best mates reliable source lads
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