Sheeting up & staying clean

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New Member
What type of sheets do most plasterers use to keep floors and carpets clean ?

If skirting boards are left on - is there a better way than having to use masking tape like a painter would use, or should a tip-top plasterer be tidy enough not to have to cover skirting boards ?

Any tips, techniques info on what to use etc would be really useful as this part of the job seems to be one of the major hassles....

Cheers in advance lads...

I just use those blue ones from B&Q. Though if I'm on stilts I can't have anything on the floor cos I'd be flat on my arse.

Skirtings:- depends really, masking works but if you ain't careful it can pull your new plaster off too. I'd still use it for varnished skirting though. Im told that spraying it with WD40 makes it easier to clean. I tend to find using less on my trowel and being careful is best and also cleaning it as you go.

Still, plastering is bloody messy!!!!!
i tend to use a dust sheet on the floor and a tarpolin over that around my working area a cheaper alternitive to the heavy duty dust sheets is to go to the supermarket and get a couple of king size double bed sheets might find its a bit cheaper. ;)
Also... Asda were selling smart price shower curtains for 99p! They are great to put around and over stuff.
I emptied the shelf!
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