Shall i try wba ??

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Heres my prediciment guys....
Wednsday i start this job i basically gotta plaster a hall stairs and landing icluding ceilings,its all over skimming on sound walls on my own.
The thing is i have to finish it in 2 days as i start next job on the friday and i cant let this guy down as he puts a lot of work my way.
usually i would not be concerened and usually piss out HSlanding in 2 days on my own but becuse of the circumstances i know i gotta do it this makes it more difficult for me.
Anyhow.....Im considering usuing this Wickes bondit to slow the suction with my thinking being ill get more walls on at once ????,becuse if this stuff slows it as good as you guys sayi should p*ss it.
i dont have a problem spending a few hours painting this stuff on the night before and waiting till the next day before i skim if it will work FOR CERTAIN !!!! i have no problem with the added cost either.
Never used this bond it wba and such like before in 19 years of plastering so a little conceerned as i know i can get the results with pva no problem.
What would you guys use in these circumstances ????
I allways reconmend wba and you will not have any problems using it, btw its very nice to skim over , imo its better than all the other bonding agents ive used ,however to get the best out of wba i think it works better if the substrate is primed before application especially over old plaster as it designed to use over backgrounds with little or no suction, if you use it over heavy suction you don't get the same coverage and the liquid in the wba is used up in the first few meters leaving you a roller tray full of silicone sand to use up at the end of the job .
Will it hang allday though churchy like some on here say ??? That is the key for me.
The main problem which i forgot to mention in initial post is that the upper floor ceiling is of a cottage style and running into the stair wall which is massive ...well big anyhow,so to get the best finnish i gonna have to bring the ceiling and the big drop wall in 1 set.
This means i be having to move scaffolding around up down up down the know the score and im not sure i will have the time with PVA.
At a guess i think a 35 m lay maybe a bit more !
even if you dont have time to prime my money would still be on wba to give you the best chance
Yeah i think your right just trying to convince myself .thats the problem if you know what i mean.
Having never used the stuff before itll be hard if i get in the sh*t but i suppose it would be no differrent than being in the sh*t if the pva dries on me either!!
Ill wait for a few more replies nut thinnk ill give it a go.....
A single coat of wba will give you more time than X2 pva the suction is controlled with wba not stopped mate
its good stuff, i still use pva on most overskims (cos i'm a tightfisted so and so) but for 35m2 i'd go with wba!
Thanks church and Pug too for your help..
I know it will only be controlled thats all i want,just to hang a little longer than with pva as its a big and aquard set for me to do alone.
I should have really tried bonding agents years ago my own fault,5 year ago i would nt be having this conversation but not as fit nowdays as i used to be.
No worries , just give it a good stir up up before you use it, as al the sand sinks to the bottom
Personally , do`nt find it gives any longer for controling suction , if it was me i`d just go in night before and pva .Find the Thistle bondit does control suction better . But thats just my view .
Not a bad point kk, i think they both work well but is bond it harder to spread over than wba ?by that i mean a thicker 1st coat needed ?
I have never used WBA but you are right church you do need a good heavy 1st coat, its a bit like skimming over a fine artex, Nice heavy first coat a few trowels then good second coat. The key to using bond it is to use a good roller, those cheap sponge things just dont work well with it.

I like to use WBA or Knauf Betakontakt (same thing) can get Betakontakt from Travis Perkins for about £40 for 20kg. I would'nt say It gives you loads more time cos you are far better off using board-finish with it. I'd say you probably get an extra 30-40 minutes with multi, but I really dont like using Multi, all I can say is it behaves strangly. With boardy you might get an extra 20 minutes,maybe a little more if temperature is well down, IMO the finish from boardy (less trowelling up) is better.
I decided im gonna try this wba on the upper ceiling and the big drop and pva on the on the other ceiling and all other walls,this way i can compare the two.
how many tubs of wba do you think ill need for 35-40 m will 2 be enough ??

im gonna use m/f .I agree i could use either but i gotta 20 bags of m/f in my lock up just laying around so i might aswell use them up b4 they go outta date.
I can work with either no problem to me really al though i think b/f does seem to give a better job it seems easy to trowel up.
iv used wickes bonding agent a few times and now 2 day for the first time the bond it stuff (green) i found that the wickes stuff seems better quality and drys quicker but is there any difference in performance? and wot is this wba?thanks
oasis said:
iv used wickes bonding agent a few times and now 2 day for the first time the bond it stuff (green) i found that the wickes stuff seems better quality and drys quicker but is there any difference in performance? and wot is this wba?thanks

your joking right ??
ah i see wba is wickes bonding agent....! but like i said is there a diffrence as the bond it comes in biger tubs i can get it for £32 a tub
from what ive been told theres no difference apart from colour.

from this thread ive learnt if you want to use it on high suction back grounds then its best to get the suction under control. so mayby a 5-1 week pva mix leave for a couple of hours then bond it/wba it. which makes sense because i use it on most things and sometimes i am racing round like a pig cus its drying to quick on me. Now i know why!!.
try adding a couple of handfulls of drylining adhesive to the mix mate
Used it quite alot but don't touch it now as its just not very practical with the drying times, do aggree with KK ref the suction thou don't think it makes any difference but I only use Unibond super PVA now and mix it as it states on the tub, fantastic stuff. If you are going to use WBA you must leave it for a minimum of 4 hours even better would be overnight, it will seem dry after two hours but there is a chemical reaction that needs to happen and this takes longer
oasis ive never tried it but apparently it gives you a bit more time with it
Roofer2plasterer said:
WBA is the mutts nuts. Only problem is wickes don't deliver it and I have to stock up whenever i go to Preston wickes, my nearest branch.
Is the one in Morcambe not nearer to you mate
pftmonojetman said:
Roofer2plasterer said:
WBA is the mutts nuts. Only problem is wickes don't deliver it and I have to stock up whenever i go to Preston wickes, my nearest branch.
Is the one in Morcambe not nearer to you mate

It is yeah, thanks,.Didn't know there was one there to be honest.
Forgot to update guys.
Went to wickes to get WBA last weds and they had sold out,so i used PVA instead,to be honest i had no problems done the big wall and ceiling AND THE REST OF THE H/S/LANDING WITH IT.
So i still never used this stuff !!!!
im with the kebab king....but think gysum stuff better quality......but takes min 14 or so hours to dry and wba a couple.....pva night before ..then lay on another coat pre skim let go tacky then skim...and sa e some dosh
i still havent used board finish on wba..or bond it..i used multi the other day on 4 walls..was good wot i did was lay 2 walls flatten them and then mix up and put 2 other walls..flatten..then second coat the first lot ect..they hangaround for ages..was reali good..some times this stuff could be handy..
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