Setting up!

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How do you lads setup in the morning? where do u store ur kit to make it easier anq quicker to carry to places many thanks!
trowel gets hung up safely on the vans bulkhead out of harms way, everything else is thrown in, van gets tidied up once every 2 months.
my vans like an operating theatre .....everything has it's place and everything gets wrapped up neatly ......ask simplybesty about it lol......he reckons i'm a freak
Pretty much the same as monkey everthing in its place , i have to know where everything is a hate looking for tools.
My trowels get hung up and yes my van every thing has its place!!

Its messy yet I can give you the exact coordinates of any tool!

wet tools in a bucket, dry tools in a bag chuck em in a bathroom or sumwhere near where im working at the end of the day an in the back of the van on a friday. only the mixer goes in the van every night.

get all water an powder set up for first spread the night before
We use to to leave tools in the loft at night,but i always take my handtools with me now, buckets,stands etc get chained and padlocked at night.
i just chuck it all in to fend for itself. I dont even roll the hoses up for monkey, he's like an old women. if theres not just right he has to unroll them and do it again. You know when you go to someones house who has loads of pictures on the walls and there forever making them look stright, anyway i think its funny to move them and watch as the notice and start playing with them, well i would love to go into monkeys van and move everything around, i think he would need prozac within an hour. ;D ;D
This is how my van looked when i had my mono
Setting up!
i had 4 pictures of the kids going up my stairs i used a laser level to make sure they was all perfectly in line and measured them so they was evenly spaced apart .........i need prozac at just the thought of you coming round my house simps
you will love it, i just walk in with boots on and while your making me a cup of tea i will sit on the soffa picking all the days plaster off my cloths and throw them on the floor for mrs monkey to hoover up later.
sounds like you could have OCD obsessive compulsive disorder 10 % of the population have one form or another...would give you the edge in this trade....
i remember a lad on here saying he couldnt bear anything being dirty and had to clean it off straight away .......oops thats dirty .........right then aah .....oops better clean that.............ahem right then oh bugger ....... ;D
Always make sure tools are clean at the end of the day but just hide them anywhere, most important for me is that area i am starting next day is clean and ready for me to go into, nothing worse than starting in the morning and having to clear all kinds of crap out of your way.
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