setting really fast

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New Member
so i did this wall today that was about 14ft long by about 9ft high which is quite big for me.

it was a reskim, got my fist coat on, took me about 10mins but when i came back to flatten it had set quite hard, so hard in some places that i couldnt even move it.
when i was putting on the first coat i noticed that it was getting sucked up straight away, so if this happens in future should i flatten as im putting it on cause (it was literally going cheesy as i was spreading it on) or should i throw water on it when i come back to flatten?

by the way, i gave it 3 coats of pva as well.
where do you think you went wrong mate? shouldnt be going too firm after 10 mins
spunkybum said:
where do you think you went wrong mate? shouldnt be going too firm after 10 mins

really not sure, i was re skimming a wall that i skimmed last week (in my own flat) just getting bit of practice in while i got no work.
when i skimmed it last week it was over the original painted wall and i had no problems.
It sounds like the walls are extremely high suction, I have found some walls like this in the past and you need bond it rather than pva but it is very rare, in time experience will tell you what walls you will stuggle with, the other two things it could be is an off bag or over mixing the plaster
church said:
do you know what you are skimming over ? what plaster is on the walls (originally )

originally skimmed onto painted wall last week, left it to dry out then reskimmed it again today.
so i was skimming onto multi finish today from last week.
Also skimming over wet pva that's not completely tacky will create the cheesy affect you are describing
its because you skimmed over fresh plaster always hard because its really porous not your fault keep it goin keep the faith
it shouldnt be porous after a week in a house with heating ???......youre not exactly getting next day green suction are you ;D........from multi ?
skim a wall spunkybum and try and skim it a week later then tell me it aint really porous and goin off quickly then you can comment
of course it'll be porous it wont be less porous a year later than a week later
sounds like you should of got a plasterer in or gone on a 2weeks of training then you would know how to kill the suction and float the wall. plastering training is temporarily suspended due to the lack of dicks thinking they can learn the game in 2 weeks see earlier post for details
chunky are you of the opinion that plastering can be learned off one of these courses, or is it that unlike me you wont to tell people who clearly have no idea what there doing how to do your job
murplastering said:
chunky are you of the opinion that plastering can be learned off one of these courses, or is it that unlike me you wont to tell people who clearly have no idea what there doing how to do your job

Of course plastering can be learned on a course. Plastering aint hard!

Once the course has been done you need to be with a spread to learn the game and hone the skills you have learned. Im with Chunkyboy and he's forgotten more than most people know and a good teacher who will HELP anybody who needs advice. This forum is such a place and if someone asks a question then they shouldnt be laughed at and get called dicks.

As a course taught plasterer can i ask do i come under the catorgory of a dick mur??
murplastering said:
sounds like you should of got a plasterer in or gone on a 2weeks of training then you would know how to kill the suction and float the wall. plastering training is temporarily suspended due to the lack of dicks thinking they can learn the game in 2 weeks see earlier post for details

i know how to kill suction on a wall mate, but this was a problem i never came across before.

and unfortunately for me i was labouring/apprentice during a credit crunch so i aint had f**k all work lately which is why i ask questions on this forum which may seem silly to an experienced plasterer but remember you was where i was once.

i think in future i will use bond it on walls with high suction like this.
bailey326 said:
murplastering said:
sounds like you should of got a plasterer in or gone on a 2weeks of training then you would know how to kill the suction and float the wall. plastering training is temporarily suspended due to the lack of dicks thinking they can learn the game in 2 weeks see earlier post for details

i know how to kill suction on a wall mate, but this was a problem i never came across before.

and unfortunately for me i was labouring/apprentice during a credit crunch so i aint had F*** all work lately which is why i ask questions on this forum which may seem silly to an experienced plasterer but remember you was where i was once.

i think in future i will use bond it on walls with high suction like this.

It will help if you prime the walls first then use bond it
you wont lose anything going on a course except for 5- 600 quid and after two weeks you can earn yourself 200 a day :)
i learnt off a 10 day course mur...but maybe from a good course......yes i took my training further from an old hand but i did learn the basics from said school. Ive worked for a good few so called old hands...and after 5 or so years ive come to a aint the way u learn ie college or old school its the individual whos learning and whether they have to want to suceed. We all have to learn somewhere my friend.
Bailey as stated above suction is very high or has not been cut out enough..or u havnt let your pva 1st coat completly dry. sometimes on a really dry background u have to pva 3 times ...check how long it take to dry or go tacky, this will show you how much suction the walls got. if it drys in a minute give it another coat. Bond it will not copletly cut out suction, and on a high suction wall you will still have problems. On a really high suction background you can use gyp prime....but in this case sounds like you just needed to let 1st coat pva dry or put on another.
Everyone has to learn boys, but yes its pretty basic stuff and any college should have taught you about suction and dry as really these are the cornerstones of plastering. Sorry if i sound not trying to be just grates me when evryone slags off nrewbie college learners...we all have to start somewhere......whether learning on sitye thru old hands or coll;ege who gives a long as you learn properly thats what really counts.
phippsy333 said:
i learnt off a 10 day course mur...but maybe from a good course......yes i took my training further from an old hand but i did learn the basics from said school. Ive worked for a good few so called old hands...and after 5 or so years ive come to a aint the way u learn ie college or old school its the individual whos learning and whether they have to want to suceed. We all have to learn somewhere my friend.
Bailey as stated above suction is very high or has not been cut out enough..or u havnt let your pva 1st coat completly dry. sometimes on a really dry background u have to pva 3 times ...check how long it take to dry or go tacky, this will show you how much suction the walls got. if it drys in a minute give it another coat. Bond it will not copletly cut out suction, and on a high suction wall you will still have problems. On a really high suction background you can use gyp prime....but in this case sounds like you just needed to let 1st coat pva dry or put on another.
Everyone has to learn boys, but yes its pretty basic stuff and any college should have taught you about suction and dry as really these are the cornerstones of plastering. Sorry if i sound not trying to be just grates me when evryone slags off nrewbie college learners...we all have to start somewhere......whether learning on sitye thru old hands or coll;ege who gives a long as you learn properly thats what really counts.

and as long as they have the balls to ask questions on the way. Surely that cant be a bad thing can it?
well said boys .. there is always something that pops up wot u dont know . thank god for u guys on this forum cos uve all helpedme out so much
i did a bedroom couple of months back .. pvad as usual starting whacking 1st coat on and b4 i was half way across wall it started to dry out and crack like crazy paving .. anyway i came on here and asked the guys why and got replies wi it been a high suction wall soak it 1st wi water to stop it sucking so much . this might not apply to ur case mate .. but might come in handy for the future
We all have to learn and continue to learn as we go forward. Time served, course taught or what ever. I have found this forum a great place to pick up tips and thanks to chunkyboys teaching been able to offer advice as well. But lately people have been abused for daring to ask a question about something their not sure of.

Dont forget that we all have to learn the advice we give from somewhere in order to pass it on. It may sound like a daft question to the spreads who have been at it for years, but to others its a genuine question cos their learning and they should be able to ask that question here without fear of having the piss ripped out off them and being called dicks.

Everyone does their thing a bit diffrent from another and its never right or wrong its just what works for them. Newbies may be working one way and read on here of another way and find that way better. Thats the beauty of this forum. But we all learn and continue to learn.

Danny has worked hard to get this forum where it is and its a bloody good forum too. Not long ago a good lad felt he had to leave and, although i dont know the full story behind it, it should not have got to the stage.
the plasterers forum the clue is in the name :-\ Ive posted on a few forums over the years and the amount of times the same question comes up is? lets say a lot but youve got to understand different people join at different stages in their career. Sometimes its easier to check old posts for your answer or ask the question, if it seems like the questions been answered before or its common sense or its a stupid question dont reply its simple. 5 day or 10 day courses will give you a taste for plastering but by no means make you a spread so if you go in with your eyes open instead of thinking your gonna know it all you will do ok. There is a bit of banter goes on on forums which is good but slaggin people off for askin a question or makin them sound or look stupid doesnt help anyone and may stop them askin or anyone else askin.
:-X mmmmng.....mmmmmmmmmmnngggt....... :-X..... mmmningggngg....ah f**k it ;D
listen lads who did i call a dick i thought i said there was a lack of dicks and just to put the record straight i was having a bit of a laugh stirring things up a bit thats all chill out
murplastering said:
listen lads who did i call a dick i thought i said there was a lack of dicks and just to put the record straight i was having a bit of a laugh stirring things up a bit thats all chill out

Less stirring and more advice seems to be the order of the day i think. Its getting tedious listening to people bicker on here.
lighten up girls, we are all grown men so stop being so sensitive, alot worse gets said on sites im sure.
before this thread goes to bed i'd like to say that i think courses are a complete waste of money :)
spunkybum said:
before this thread goes to bed i'd like to say that i think courses are a complete waste of money :)

Well there we are then, we can all rest now we know that. Thank you for your advice.
i'm just here for the crack mate ;)..........if you need advice just ask were all nice boys :)
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