Server upgrade!!!

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Hi all,

We are looking at upgrading our server today/tonight so you may experience some down time but please bear with us and hopefully it will be trouble free :-)

It is slow tonight , or could be my windows 95:RpS_sneaky: anyway i wish you all a happy Christmas :RpS_thumbup:
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There is lots and lots of people on....

The first upgrade is a software upgrade then next week depending on funds I may just move to an even more powerful server.....
There is lots and lots of people on....

The first upgrade is a software upgrade then next week depending on funds I may just move to an even more powerful server.....
It,s my windows 95 Danny :RpS_crying: do i need an upgrade ,lap or stack mate
lol :-) widows 95... that brings back

The new server is an SSD type thing so should be **** hot... but i am negotiating at the moment :-)

Waiting for one more response for support then we roll out the software update... hoping to be done and dusted in the next hour...

Unless it cocks the app up and then I am just going to pub and switching my phone
Thats what wor lass keeps saying to me when i get me punisher oot.........................:RpS_wink:
Eeerrr dunno I just marked old pics thumbnail things deleted them to free up space to post more shite lol :RpS_laugh: Im not the best person for ANY technical advice :RpS_thumbup:
Yep I know....

Its the app thats bogging it down... working with both the app and also trying to get the server sorted... but its a time situation and also finances.
made a few tweeks and got the page load speed right down now...

Trying to hold off a server upgrade for a little but longer if I can just down to cash flow to be honest :RpS_unsure:

But we do have crack team of experts at my disposal to hopefully keep things ticking :RpS_scared:
made a few tweeks and got the page load speed right down now...

Trying to hold off a server upgrade for a little but longer if I can just down to cash flow to be honest :RpS_unsure:

But we do have crack team of experts at my disposal to hopefully keep things ticking :RpS_scared:

This crack team of experts didn't come from BG did they........:-/
Oh Yes :-)

I made a few changes last night and it has sped up :-) Just could do with a bit more :-) The App guys are working on it as well to try and reduce the server load and the server guys are optimising the server to see if we can get away without the upgrade...

But we can only really test it when it gets busy.... I dont really want to upgrade to a new server until everything is optimised so then we know that the site is working as best as it can :-)

in a nutshell :-)
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