Server Down

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sorry about the server down... they needed more coins in the meter :-0 .... fingers crossed it should be ok now :-)

I got a message about bandwidth limits or something when I tried to open the forum.

Seems fine now
Ffs dan!! Thought my world had ended there?
I shall be expecting a full refund on this months subscriptions:RpS_wink:
Too many peeps visitin your website? That's a good thing eh?
Ffs dan!! Thought my world had ended there?
I shall be expecting a full refund on this months subscriptions:RpS_wink:
Too many peeps visitin your website? That's a good thing eh?

Someone must have typed Google into google
Me too Fatarm :-0
ffs Danny thought I might have to actually watch the tele or talk to the mrs when I couldn't get on the forum :RpS_scared:

Ps thanks for the Mug Danny :RpS_thumbup:
This ones lasted longer than the last one did lol.
nearly had to watch the same episode of the young ones..............again........................:RpS_thumbup:
i diddnt know what to do with myself everyone was in bed and there was no forum to go on:-(
you could off ironed ya white work gear for next week...........or buffed the van...................:RpS_thumbup:
Washed my van today, it's yearly wash, 20 mins done lol :RpS_thumbup:

:-0 wowzerz so did i, and i buffed my carbon steel trowel...................:RpS_thumbup:. however, even though the toon got humped today my highlight was the mackem manager getting the bullet................:RpS_biggrin:
Don't wash your van at this time of year! The dirt on the van protects the paint from the nasty salts/grit they put down in winter:RpS_thumbup:..... leave it till the first week in August:RpS_wink:.

that's my excuse anyway:RpS_sneaky:
Fuk off Arti there is no way i am going to click on that link, it's might be a picture of some bloke felching his boyfriend or something .:RpS_crying:

japs eye bleach..............its this seasons must have.....................:RpS_wink:
Wtf Nisus and jrplastereing liked this:RpS_scared:.............Is there something your not telling us boys?:RpS_unsure:

maybe its them guessing Jace is doing the pipeing cos he aint dropped any..............:RpS_laugh:
Server Down
dnt waste it eh?
naa i liked it because it was a good trap that caught alot of us out me included:RpS_crying:
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