selling business

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New Member
hi i'm selling my business as an old shoulder injury has showed its ugly face again everything goes as 1 obviously,
what you get is the van (transit on a 2001 plate swb),already logoed up,all tools.I'm in the sunderland area so if your interested call 075459 48007 cheers
Warrior I think we should sell our business (North & South Plastering), we'll get a better price for once we land a couple of those BIG money contracts Jordster was talking about ::)
You can be so sceptical spunky ::)
Andy it would take a big company to buy us out mate , maybe we could do a deal for Oasis though eh now he's got the rendering side cracked ;)
warriorupnorth said:
You can be so sceptical spunky ::)
Andy it would take a big company to buy us out mate , maybe we could do a deal for Oasis though eh now he's got the rendering side cracked ;)

It would end up called Nurthe ans Sowthe Plarstring ;D

Sorry Oasis
Render Systems said:
Anyone want to buy me out? have £2 million plus worth of work priced up (waiting for go aheads)and tenders coming in all the time offers please.
what you get
Fully registered Ltd company Render Systems UK Ltd
05 Iveco Daily ELWB
2 websites and these are fully optomised and are getting about 50 unique hits a day on each one
plus all new tenders
the buyer would have to be commited just to keep up with the enquirys alone
So why are you selling up Steve,if its that profitable!!!!
he's becoming a rep for the trowhawk, he's gonna go round sites and try and sell them to use all!
no andy sell a company lol
spunkyrend 5 million worth of quotes maybe a joddy
11" trowel and 994 posts on theplasterersforum
no van and a load of G** mags make me an offer ;)
flynnyman said:
no andy sell a company lol
spunkyrend 5 million worth of quotes maybe a joddy
11" trowel and 994 posts on theplasterersforum
no van and a load of G** mags make me an offer ;)

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :'( :'(
any1 what 2 by my bussiness ive got £3000 worth of work lined up u can have it for £10.000. and i'll chuck in free trowel. ha
flynnyman said:
no andy sell a company lol
spunkyrend 5 million worth of quotes maybe a joddy
11" trowel and 994 posts on theplasterersforum
no van and a load of G** mags make me an offer ;)

a broken joddy lol
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