second hand s44

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there's nothing wrong with it . i started sand blasting it to re powder coat it and never got round to finishig it so its just a grey in colour at this time works great no problems.... if you want i can sell it for more if it makes you feel better
i might be coming up with jason soon les i could have a look then if it hasnt gone deffo interested mate what year is it? does it come with hoses etc?
go for it spunk u have been waiting for a gud buy to cum along. and its cum from one ov th lads on here so im sure u wil get gud advice aswell
does this spray hardwall also am i right in thinking it will run of normal mains aswell. plus dus it need a water feed or can it draw it out of a water but. oh and what wud be the cost of a geny to run this if working on sites oh and how far will it pump
does this spray hardwall also am i right in thinking it will run of normal mains aswell. plus dus it need a water feed or can it draw it out of a water but. oh and what wud be the cost of a geny to run this if working on sites oh and how far will it pump
Yes they spray Harwall and toughcoat, its a three phase so genny, you can use a barell. i think they pump up to 50m
Lee I spent all night looking for gennys the cheapest is 2400 Inc vat new Can't find any second hand sjl generator into google mate it's the 13kva 3 phase petrol genny
but if there power on site like what they use for the silo's mate can u plug straight into them also what the longest distance u can have your machine form the power suply. (max cable length)
alot of them are 240v mate but i think monkey knows a way round this i tried a 3phase power on site recently it kept sending my machine into reverse
Lee we could have 240 v and three phase if we wanted on our last site all from the silo, the only problem was there was only one silo and there was only 1100m of render to do but we probably could of done 100m from that silo the rest of the work was over 50m away Simps told me you can have power installed on site if you get and give enough notice and there could poss be fees involved also sorry don't want to sound like an expert from what I've seen never go straight of the mains with you're water always go from a butt, you can buy them with the things you get in the top of the toilets lol don't know what there called and as soon as it's filled up thecwayer turns off, get a 2 way adapter so the other spreads can get a bit of water without unplugging you and you should still have some in the butt till there finished
Ive got an IBC which is set up with geka fittings so brickies cant wash off in your tub, ok for outside work because it can get fork lifted about
An IBC is a big water tank that has a screw top on a pallet with a tap attached to it. 1000l if you know what i mean The S44 has a 240 water pump which plugs into the caddy
I know what you mean bud we've got two on site big plastic things with metal bars going round, is the water pump on board and just plug it in? Does it need a separate 240v source?
Theres two 240 sockets on the side of the caddy one for the compressor and one for the pump, i had one of the blue pumps a stand alone one
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