Screed price

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What do you guys charge per m2 to lay a 60mm s/c floor screed or even better a ball park figure for the job i have detailed to do below?

basically i need to lay a level floor of 55m2 in a restaurant approx 60mm screed.
the floor slopes away so i need to build a step.The actual screed will range from 20 mm to 75mm in places but taking 60mm as average to caculate materials.

All materials will have to be 25kg bags as its in the city centre traffic wardens wont let us load or leave a lorry outside.Will have to be mixed inside.

I reckon about 190 bags of sand and 65 cement will do the trick ??? ( i hope )

Need a price to give the guy on monday when he pays me for skimmin the ceiling .

Any help would be appreciated guys as i have only done a handfull of these jobs before and wanna make good money as its gonna be back brakin work with baged materials.
just get them to pump it in mate ... loads quicker and will only take about ten minutes. I used a firm the other day who have a lorry that mixed it there and then and took about ten minutes to pump it in .... tell the wardens to p iss off
You can get ready-mixed droped off at 7.30 if theres the room before the city comes to life £15 a meter should do
The problem is the Restaruant is on the corner of one of the busiest roads in Leicestershire, there are bollards out side the shop so a lorry cant mount the pavement.There is a loading bay 20 metres away but you can only use this for 5-10 mins before you get moved on. If no one else is using it that is !!!!
There are hundreds of people walking down the pavement so you cant really pump it, it will not be safe to do so and you could be moved on at any time.
Theres only gonna be 2 of us on the job a lad mixing and me laying the gear.
Need a price for above mentioned method its the only way i think
Materials will be around £500 ish becuse its bagged.
we should lay it it 1 to 1.5 days.
Also i should mention its not a squre room it has 2 smaller areas that run off it.

You think £1000 is a fair price with materials????? This is what i initially thought and what warrior suggests £15 m2 comes in at around £800
Spons Guide 2007 rates for 65mm = £14.03 per M2 under 300mm Lm rate £5.31
55m2 x £14.03 = £771.65
you will get 16.6 m2 of screed @60mm per ton of sand so you will need 3.31 bags of sand so say 3 bags of sand plus cement will cover the job no probs with no wastage at all
I would charge £1,000.00 at todays prices though if doing semi dry mix however I would get a permit from the council to allow a pumped screed lorry to park for 1/2 hour pump the stuff in you will have the job complete in about 2 hours max

This book will give you a canny insight into prices but mainly deals with large site contracts but worth a look to find out what the big compaies charge
To be honest i dont really want the job,but theres gonna be plenty more work in the future from this guy so i gotta do it at a fair price that leave's me making ££££££££sss.
It really is an awquared job ...... ive gotta lose the slope for starters by building a small step.
Then the step has to imurge into a ramp for wheel chairs (keeping existing doorway) so will need to be chiseled back to c reate the clearance for doors opening,also part of the area has dabbed walls that go down to the floor they they will have to have 2 inch removed also.

You think 1 to 1.5 is sufficient time to do the job?
To do the job well!!!!
Should do it in day easy as long as the lad can mix it quick enough, why not just lap polythene up the D&D walls rather than cutting them off.
I dont want any comebacks !!!from this job .Could lead to a lot of work.These guys are creating a chain of restaurants all over the midlands .They basically have a team they employ to do the work and sub out where needed,basically these guys betwewen them sort the kitchen re fit the electrics and the plumbing most other work is subbed out.
i do painting ,plastering , tiling ,plumbing the lot and this building is gonna need painting and tiling and some stud walls and plastering .
I already got the ceiling skim job and in negotiations regarding the painting also.
They will be watching me like hawks,so id rather remove hassle run a circular saw through the fckuer and smash off.
i dont need to lay a barrier on the floor as there having a specialist vinyl floor layed that incorperates a barrier....... so he says.
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