scratch coat

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I scratch the walls then dab the beads up after but the same day if
I can so there nice and solid for when I top out.
Renderstop must go on first, angle beads are a matter of choice. I prefer to put them on first but don't always, some times on the same house I'll have some on first and some will go on after. I also prefer to nail my beads on so no matter when they go on they're firm to work on.
the reason i ask is because i went to travis earlier and bought an external bead and attached 1 to each end of a wall and put a straight edge across the beads and the gap between the edge and the wall was 10mm.. if i were to apply a scratch coat... there's not gona be enough room for a top coat.... but i did apply the bead very tight on to the corner...... should i be looking to have a gap of 19mm for scratch coat and top coat. cheers
Just squeeze the bead and you'll get the 19mm you need, if you are using decent beads that is, don't use those crapy supersave type beads (you should use stainless anyway).
as above to get the depth. I only dab the beads up as I find it quicker, but each to there own.
if its a new build you need 13mm for both coats so youre not a million miles away can either do what youve done and get the scratch coat on a bit tighter into the bead or set the bead after the scratch coat and dub the rest out
yeah nice one lads..... its all coming together (in my head). just need to put theory in to practice..
spunky said:
if its a new build you need 13mm for both coats so youre not a million miles away can either do what youve done and get the scratch coat on a bit tighter into the bead or set the bead after the scratch coat and dub the rest out

All the new builds I work on have a 19mm spec on the plans.
essexandy said:
spunky said:
if its a new build you need 13mm for both coats so youre not a million miles away can either do what youve done and get the scratch coat on a bit tighter into the bead or set the bead after the scratch coat and dub the rest out

All the new builds I work on have a 19mm spec on the plans.
is that total render thickness mate through the whole wall ?
simplybesty said:
use plastic 15mm all the time so much better than steel.

they are bang on if the walls are bang on, if you have to dub them out to level them they are shite. at least the metal beads you can bend the wings to suit which helps if the walls are pissed
spunky said:
essexandy said:
spunky said:
if its a new build you need 13mm for both coats so youre not a million miles away can either do what youve done and get the scratch coat on a bit tighter into the bead or set the bead after the scratch coat and dub the rest out

All the new builds I work on have a 19mm spec on the plans.
is that total render thickness mate through the whole wall ?

Yeah I can't remember the last set of plans that didn't spec 19mm, I've even had the NHBC come up on the scaffold and do a depth test on the scratch coat.
Are you putting me up there for someone to shoot me down Oasis?
There are others on here that at least as much as me, not that, that's a lot. :-\
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