scraping artex

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Are these ok for scraping artex walls or ceilings or should they just be used on floors
dont work on artex ceilings matey, I've tried using mine before, not sharp enough blade and difficult to apply enough pressure cos of the angle/size of the thing!
I usually find a scraper does the trick the one with the sharp blade in which u can change about 4 or 5 inches wide,other than that use a house brick and rub it over it.
Makin the job harder usin one of those floor scrapers. You cant get the angle with em plus there heavier than just a normal scraper. I use a wide jointin blade.
be carefull though boys , many a customer has asked me if the artex contains the A word, in that case i'll overboard and skim = more money
If you polybond the ceiling first it softens the artex and those scrapers will work fine
Bit of a waste of time though. I mean you'd have to coat the ceiling just to scrape it , then coat it again. :-\
just get the lab 2 scrape it all while u take a dump.. left him get the A as are lives are worth more surly?
Pug said:
you can use a steamer on artex as well, messy job though.

I did that years ago when i was about 18 I steamed it off a big ceiling in an empty property & it was all over the Marley tiles on the floor when I'd finished, I thought I'll get that up tomorrow,
big mistake :o it was rock hard on the floor the next day :'( :'(
you've only got to scrape off the high spots anyway not the hole lot ,i use a blade scraper
Nisus said:
Pug said:
you can use a steamer on artex as well, messy job though.

I did that years ago when i was about 18 I steamed it off a big ceiling in an empty property & it was all over the Marley tiles on the floor when I'd finished, I thought I'll get that up tomorrow,
big mistake :o it was rock hard on the floor the next day :'( :'(
And those Marley tiles are about 15% Asbestos too.
and artex has less then 2% MDF dust is probebley worse for you
TonyM said:
Nisus said:
Pug said:
you can use a steamer on artex as well, messy job though.

I did that years ago when i was about 18 I steamed it off a big ceiling in an empty property & it was all over the Marley tiles on the floor when I'd finished, I thought I'll get that up tomorrow,
big mistake :o it was rock hard on the floor the next day :'( :'(
And those Marley tiles are about 15% Asbestos too.


scraping artex
warriorupnorth said:
If you polybond the ceiling first it softens the artex and those scrapers will work fine
not if it's painted in silk emulsion
Ok then ,polybond then bond , and then skim the ceiling,lots of ways to skin a cat ,the end result is always the same. ;)
If that sounds like too much work slab over the ceiling with new boards and just skim them,if there is cornice in the room use a j bead and form a margin of about 25mm as a shadow gap ,it also can look like an extra member on the original cornice detail, just do a nice job on it. ;)
If that sounds like too much work slab over the ceiling with new boards and just skim them,if there is cornice in the room use a j bead and form a margin of about 25mm as a shadow gap ,it also can look like an extra member on the original cornice detail, just do a nice job on it. ;)
You said member ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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