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Had a price weeks ago for 650 to erect a scaff to a semi all areas for remove and replace the render. guy turned up on the 11th to say he could not actually do it and then drove off several inflated quotes later (the highest being 3k) we got someone who said no prob 1300 quid easy job.

They put it up today and it is more or less IMO useless to me.

Question. would you guys hack off roughcast with kango if you had to reach down nearly a metre from the scaff board to the flashing bell bead that to fit new bead plus mono with a conservatory below? and the same to a chimney stack that is on a 45degree sloping roof with no scaff at all and no fall arrest. remember the kango is around 5kgs and you will be using force and possibly wet?
You need to explain to the scaffolder what you want from the start and explain it properly, so once its up and its not right in parts get him to make alterations, if you are paying for it.............. simple.
i couldnt have been more clear flynny i told them we need to extend over next doors for fall arrest or have a cradle round the stack one or the other i also told him we need to be almost touching the conservatory roof wit one lift and we got a youngman board a meter up just flying across two scaffolds either side of the conservatory. the reason we hired him was because he said he could do what the first guy could not and in the end he has only done what the first guy was saying he could offer us and he wants doublr the price
richardbrown said:
You have got a funny accent though John ... i can bearly understand a word you say lol

ooh rrr cheeky c**t....

these scaffs up ere av the same accent so they should understand ;D
for that kinda dosh you could have bought a half decent scaffold and kept it for your self. do any of you other lads just have your own ?its what we do as scaffolding firms are unreliable and con men
Have you paid him.
Scaffolders make me laugh. They call you over on a job to see how you want it. duuuuhh. Get all the tubes away from the wall for one. I dont need a lift just under the soffet which means i goto go up lay a foot on then drop down. I want a ladder for each lift not a 600ft ladder that i cant lift and goes straight up the top lift meaning i have to jump fro the ladder to any other lift and i dont want it vertical either.
I dont want you to stop 1 mtr short of the edge of the building for whatever reason and put 2 guard rails and a towboard and some barbwire so i cant get to the edge unles i climb off your stupid scaffold.
They call themselves scaffolders and ask us what we want like they never put scaffold up for a plasterer before.
FUUUUk em i bought my own
got one at the moment

bars in an x shape on ground level (narrow alley way) how the am i going to render with that in the way

been a right bar steward hacking off as well --

will post some pics tomorrow

always seems to be a problem with scaffold---
I have had to alter every scaffold I have had this year, >:( they really are the thickest of the thick........and there's some real thick f*ckers in this game. :o
job im on has 3 bars at the end of either side of every lift. It is 2 ft away from the wall as if anyone is stupid enough to fall down there. Its like a jail
got it sorted now I hope. met with him today and told him again what we need he had the gang with him so it should be clear to everyone. they are going to sort all the issues but it means bolting a pucklock into the wall at one location so a patch will be needed after (never mind)

that said went to another job today and had to crawl on my hands and knees to render the bottom. after we had to pull back all the poles that touch the wall.... duuuhhhh indeed
Guess what.
ripping off today and afterwards when we were cleaningn up the debris I noticed the ringbolts that they had fitted were failing and about to pull out of the wall (2 nr) had to pull all the boards off that section and abandon for now.... absolutely p1ssed about this job now this scaff shouldv been in on the 11th. its the 29th now and we have had 1 and half days on the job.

on the flip side I picked up a kango drill from taskers thaat was reduced from 87 ish quid to 59.99 and its 1500w made by einhell. good for a few years i recon - bargain.
the pics of right hand side of scaffolding ----someones having a laugh??


i use the same firm all the time.....does depend on who they send

cnuts .....

sure they do it on purpose ??
when knocking off the old render we just got on with it and ducked under or through gaps in bars but when i scratch coat the wall i will be removing some of the bracing ----i think its a bit over the top...(the scaffold is all round this house..)

been using this firm for years ----worst scaffold they've done for me yet.....
Yep scaffolder there mental most of em have landed on there head a few times so you cant expect too much, but we are having a bit of a mare on a job at the mo as the scaffold that has to go up is between 2 houses and there is less than a 1m between em both luckily we only gotta do the top 2m of the gable.
yeah thats true,lol. they wanted me to make a wash out station as well so we didnt contaminate the ground with cement,?
not just the scaff mate , and the rates good, but wilmott dixon are as far as it goes with h&s for me , they foned me today to talk about a compromise . they said they was willing to take out the toe boards ,lol, but as i said they are saying now that we have to cover the ground so it doesnt get contaminated, we have to have a wash out station that we have to build and maintain, i refused to wear goggles because they are dangerous imo, they distort your vision, im afraid the industries bein run by college taught managers now instead of time served tradesmen, they are ruin it
what do they mean by a wash out station? ..........fair play btw they sound like usuaaaaal jonnys
a wash out station is a tub with sand in the bottom so when you tip in the dirty water all the silt gets trapped in the sand and clean water gets washed out the bottom , apparently ? so the ground doesnt get contaminated with cement ? willmot dixon are leading the industry into being carbon neutral by 2012 , but we are not aloud to use their generator , you have to supply your own, so there is 15 little gennies chugging away that are owned by subbies while wilmott dixon are using less power and being really ecological! f**k**g hypocrits!
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