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I know your meant to mix with cement to make a slurry to give a good stipple key but does applying Sbr mixed 4:1 with water to brick work have any effect to help render stick to wall or would it by no more use than just wetting the wall? I also put sbr in my mix.
I ask because i'm doing alot of chimneys at the moment knock off, scratch and dash and thats what i've been doing mainly because the council won't give me the time or money to do it properly!
I did a job years ago and the spec was slurried brickwork and rendered with sulphate resisting cement and sand mixed with sbr then skim finish the render sets as hard as fuc k
use parex microgobetis which is a sort of orange sbr solution with a grit in it which you roller tub would do a years worth of chimneys for £35 plus vat. roller it on the previous day. or if you can't wait use parex lankolatex in a tight first coat then overcoat. sticks like hell
it'll probably kill what key there was tbh you could go over it whilst its tacky but if its not youve just seperated it from what key you had like suction ...............goody can you use that parex stuff with anything?
Roofer get on this - I just questioned krend about this for a brick job i am doing and they said sbr 4:1 then hp12 basecoat then your finish coat
Now I'm confused plasterjfe, So K-rend must think it has some bonding property when mixed 4/1??? Thing is a builder i used to work with when i was younger always applied SBR 4/1 externaly aswell!
s.b.r or styrene butatane rubber would have some bonding properties if diluted 4.1 and just painted on but as we all know the correct way is with a cement slurry and lay render into it for the best adhesion few years back rendererd over glazed tiles
the idea krend were putting to me is more of a suction controll method over the brick giving an even suction over the wall I think it allows suction as normal but slows and controlls it. when i use dryvits render i apply a similar product directly to the wall also its a wall conditioner for brick or such backgrounds so the 4.1 mix is doing its job.
for glazed or painted brick deffo the slurry method!
Roofer2plasterer said:
Now I'm confused plasterjfe, So K-rend must think it has some bonding property when mixed 4/1??? Thing is a builder i used to work with when i was younger always applied SBR 4/1 externaly aswell!
SBR is PVA but with a chemical thiner rather than just water we mix it with some sharp sand
but if the bricks have a glaze u should realy wire lath As they spawl to F**K. IE Think coating cement on glass does nt stick well
like johnny said sbr is styrene-butane-rubber chemichal it soaks a little into the surfaqce unlike pva which is glue that sits like a barrier on the surface so the sbr will still allow passive suction but controlled i did the krend job last week rooferplast it worked a treat
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