SBR bond coat through stainless lath?

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New Member
To cut a long story short, I'm about to re-render a house. I'm used to painting SBR-slurry straight on to brickwork etc., for a bonding coat, but this has stainless lath screwed over the wall. I'm puzzling over the best (reasonably cheap!) way to get the slurry through the mesh and on to the bricks, any ideas/tips would be much appreciated! Cheers
Take the lath off, apply bonding agent with brush, put lath back on quickly and render. LOL
Your scratch coat on the EML will be a pricking up coat to give it some rigidity (is that the correct word ??) Dont press too hard as the render will dop out the back of the mesh. Key that coat then scratch coat as normal.... its a bit of a tit on like...:RpS_cursing:
When applying scratch over metal lath, you trowel it on diffrently than if if you are going over brick or block. Artisan is right. If you lash it on hard you will just squeeze it through.
To cut a long story short, I'm about to re-render a house. I'm used to painting SBR-slurry straight on to brickwork etc., for a bonding coat, but this has stainless lath screwed over the wall. I'm puzzling over the best (reasonably cheap!) way to get the slurry through the mesh and on to the bricks, any ideas/tips would be much appreciated! Cheers

left handed
Go straight on WELL fixed laths, would have been best to slurry before laths went on. do small areas with a light damp down if the bricks suck, you gotta get a prick in that scratcher.:RpS_biggrin:
SBR bond coat through stainless lath?

This ^^^^^^^^^^^


  • SBR bond coat through stainless lath?
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