save me boys!!! they are all ganging up on me!!!! is it my fault?

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hi,lads,there has been a little or lot of progress since i posted the thread about the ceiling coming down which i skimmed that i posted a thread about yesterday. the chap rang me today saying he'd had multiple opinions from various (former,timeserved)joiners & plasterers on why the ceiling came down. he said he wants myself & his mate who did the studing & boarded the ceiling to both pay for a plastic cadded ceiling to be installed, as we are both responsible. i refused point blank! i gave it 3 coats of skim 2 achieve the best possible finish as i could get it. the reason being it was plauged with valleys & hollows as his mate had done a s**t job period!!! probably skimmed it 5-7mm in the worst areas . all his profesional opinions are saying because i gave it 3 coats of skim,the sheer weight of it has brought it down. the whole 10m2 ceiling came down in 1 big mother of a sheet,just as his wife left the room. he said he finds it way to dangerous to have it boarded & skimmed again. his mate who he even admitted isn't that experienced,has said he maybe should of put up more studing & his screws he used may have been 2 small. i was like,well you have your answer,so why are you blaming me. he then asked me if i knew he'd done a bad job,why did i skim it? to which i replied,i've lots count of the amount of badly boarded ceilings i've skimmed & made them good. he's even had his engineer father round,who's pointing the finger at me. i also told him he should of gone with the joiner who i reccomended instead of having some weird obligation to his mate who isn't even a joiner. all the profesional advice he had recieved have also stated,i should of only give it a 1 coat skim,as that is all it required & it probably would of still been up there,if i had done that. your advice my friends as i feel this is heading for a small claims court!!!! cheers
let it go to small claims. how are you supposed to know what size screws the used? don't be affraid mate you've done nothing wrong. an extra coat of skim is going to be a few hawkfuls. nothing over a ceiling that size.
chase him. if the bloody boarding had been done properly in the first place he wouldn't have a problem. Total chancer. ;)
as above and above that, he's trying to pull a fast one, if he gets in contact again just say its in the hands of your lawyer.
Hesjust trying it on how many overskims over artex have been done over the years and they havn t fell down with the weight, issue the blame fall s at the door of his mate,Tell him you will see him in court.
yeah,he paid me 200quid already,i quoted the room at 400. i've done half the job. so been paid for what i've done. he's a doctor. everyone who is pointing the blame at me seems to be from his circle of's almost like they are trying to protect the guy who boarded the ceiling. i'm gutted at the fact i always do my upmost to leave a top notch job,no matter how long it takes me. him and his mrs were well pleased with my work but what i find hard to stomach is i know i'm gonna be getting a serious bad mouthing.
walk away pal with the Vs up, chances are you wont hear from him again plus you aint been paid in full either
I honestly wouldn't worry about it mate. Switch off your phone and open a cold one. That's what i'd do 8) fock them, they are just wanting to pin the blame on you and they hope you take it too!!!
tell them if they know so much about plastering and how many coats a ceiling should have ask why dont they do it?


I would not worry about it
LOL dont worry about it mate tell him to f**k off the thick b*****d, profesionals especially doctors and teachers in my experience think they are a class above most people and think they are clever, like someone pointed out how would you know what size screws the prick used and tell him they are very lucky the ceiling never came down on you or he would find himself in court. The fact the ceiling fell down and not the finish isnt your fault and tell them you will see them in court, Skimming is done in 2 coats or 3 to pull it straight if needed also point out you have skimmed hundreds of ceilings and non have failed or ever fell down and if you do go to court and you need a master plasterer to fight your corner i only charge £150 per hour to give evidence in such cases :)
What a c**t, I feel for ya mate, makes my blood boil just reading that!

So they say 3 coats of skim would have been to heavy? funny that that you can over skim ceilings that have been skimmed AND artexed with no problems.

Cant stand it when other tradesman always put it bad words for others to look like they know best, when this time they have just proved they dont, 1 skim, f**k**g cowboy chancers trying to put a bad word in for you.
Freerider_2009 said:
What a (french person), I feel for ya mate, makes my blood boil just reading that!

So they say 3 coats of skim would have been to heavy? funny that that you can over skim ceilings that have been skimmed AND artexed with no problems.

Cant stand it when other tradesman always put it bad words for others to look like they know best, when this time they have just proved they dont, 1 skim, (french word)ing cowboy chancers trying to put a bad word in for you.

yeh 1 coat skimming bastad doctors i hate them
If the plaster had come down, your fault. If the platerboard came down, not your fault. The weight of plaster dispersed over the whole ceiling is not realy going to affect it's structure. I suggest keep it polite with customer, contact manufactorer with ceiling size and quantity used. Write down all conversations taken place including times and dates. Speak to citizens advice. The more prep you do the better. His mate needs to hold his hands up and admit he's a t**t. How many ceilings are there out there, still standing up covered in countless layers of skim, artex, bonded over, then skimmed again.
Did his mate build the false ceiling?

What also might of happened if he hasnt tied the ceiling to the existing enough once a door is slammed shut the vacuum that is caused in the room can pull the ceiling down and if like you say he has used small screws this will pull the ceiling down.

Like i said in a previous post i charge £150 per hour in cases like this and this is the type of evidence i will be putting to the jury :)

I have no further questions your honour LOL
Health and safety is the building owners responsibility, I.e the client. As he used a person who had limited experiance in studing and boarding ceilings then it should be his responsibilty to check that it was installed safely. He has a responsibility for everyone who visits his properties safety, both guests and tradesmen. You should be able to clarify this through (as I have already suggested) the citizens advice bureau, also contact british gypsum on 08448001991. Also don't admit ant knowledge of how bad the boarding was. If citizens advice recomend contacting h and s, and they take him to court then a massive fine should goes his way
if you would of gave it 1 coat it would of looked shite the ceiling may still be up but you wouldnt of got payed. tell him the ceiling seemed more than secure and you checked there was enough joists and screws. it wernt your fault the soft t**t used the rong fixings, how are you suposed to know the length of the screws if theyre screwed in.
spunky said:
give us one reason why plaster will fail over plasterboard
Too much weight ie plaster too thick. Not sure that 7mm of skimming would take it over the spec for boards mind. Also boards should be skimmed asap after installation to ensure that the skimming adheres to the board.

At the end of the day if the baords came down in one sheet it will be the fixings that failed, not long enough or not enough in the board. Either way this s not your fault. Ask the customer to contact the Pboard manufacturer and offer to pay for it yourself if they say that its your fault.
A plasterboard ceiling should be able to hold 8mm of bonding and 3mm of skim no worries (BG spec) so three coats of skim is nothing. Most architects specify a 5mm skim as standard for firecheck.
As previously suggested tell them to contact BG or just look at their website to find the correct number/type of screws and the correct thickness of plaster.

Oh and by the way I've shagged a teacher on numerous occasions, mind you we have been married for twenty four years now.
hi,lads,first of all,i'd like to say i salute you all for the advice you have put on,appreciate that!!!! didn't sleep a wink last night as i was so wound up by the client. yeah the guys mate did all the studding & boarding. all i did was skim it,3 coats to try & get it as flat as poss. it probably wasn't even 7mm thick like i originaly said. i did mention to the client at the time,that the ceiling wasn't flat thats why i gave it 3 coats & this is why they are all trying to persecute me. if it wasn't 3 coats he'd be telling me i was wrong to give it 2 coats. from all the professional advice he's recieved,even an engineer ???,that if i'd given it 1 coat the ceiling would still be up. i also asked him why didn't he get his mate the plasterer (who's critisised me) to do it & he told me he could'nt cause he's had mental health issues of late? i was like what the fcuk.
Sounds like the customer has got mental health issues aswell!
Tell him to come on here & we'll tell him who is right & who is wrong!

Tell him to ask us plasterers not chippy's or engineers >:(
didnt know a ceiling had a n engine in it... engineers are normally tossers!

I would not lose any sleep over it mate

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