sandon plastering

  • Thread starter Thread starter spunkybum
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ha ha nice site essex has anyone had a look at his work it me or is my computer running slow? wicked work mate cant get through the pictures fast enough though
yeh that detail work is pukka ay?
mine is playin up too.. dunno if its me dongle or what? sometimes quick sometimes takes 5 minutes sometimes just logs me off in the middle of a reply... maybe its the sextracker cookie that seems to follow me everywhere ;D
ive got a new one and didnt add the bit that gives you predictive words ;D
Very funny Spunky! Please don't take the previous advice I gave you, so reinsert that little finger ;D ;D
Thanks for the nice comments lads. The website was put together by my son and now that he has finished his A-levels he's going to put a better one together where you will be able to get through the pictures quicker.
Thanks for the free (I hope) advertising Spunky, I just checked the website it had more page hits yesterday than any other day since it went live ;D ;D ;D
So come on all you out there do you have whole houses that need rendering or preferably a whole site of lovely new houses? If you do you can either contact me direct or through my new PR man (move over Max Clifford) Spunkybum!! :D
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