sand sand sand

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New Member
got a wall to render tomorrow

the only sand i can get hold of in bags around here is sharp and builder sand from wickes ...or... plastering washed from Builder centre.

What do you think i should use and in what ratios

Thanks all, its onto normal brickwork
id go with washed plastering sand every single time..
some like a weaker mix, myself i tend to go 4:1 or even 3:1 sometimes...
prolly 4:1 would suit better, use that for the scratch coat, with 1/2 litre of waterproofer/plasticiser per mix
top / float coat 5:1 with plasticiser and a drop of waterproofer too if you like... (not if its a small wall though)
thanks for the quick reply, yeah its not a very big wall. has 2 colums which i am going to bead in pvc beads if i can get some tom.

im mixing in a bath so wont hold alot of gear in there, shall i just stick 1/2 litre in with the mixing water

ta mate

yeh that'll do bout 1/3rd a litre to a builders bucket of water
the waterproofer has plasticiser in there so no need for 2 tubs.

Flaz - Been doing internal work for 5 years or so but not so many rendering jobs so still learning there
seems to be lots of different grades of sharp for plastering but in my local merchants in bags (as dont need maxi) there is only washed plasterers or standard wickes stuff.

Aparently builders sand particles are round so not as strong for rendering as a plasterers sharp!!! Something like that anyway :o
seems to be lots of different grades of sharp for plastering but in my local merchants in bags (as dont need maxi) there is only washed plasterers or standard wickes stuff.

Aparently builders sand particles are round so not as strong for rendering as a plasterers sharp!!! Something like that anyway :o

dunno? someone did explain to me about plastering sand but i cant remeber
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