running cost

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Private Member
What is the running cost of a machines per year or will depend on the amount spraying you do in a year. Also are some machines are higher maintenance then others with the cost of spares .
Im speaking about the pft range of electric machine but if you look after them and clean you filters weekly and every couple of months give them a good clean then your running cost are only going to be rotor and stators, about 20p m2 at the most. maybe a mixing paddle or two depending on how much use and what your spraying . I would say your not going to spend more than £200 a year outside of rotor and stators,
theyre not worth it church cost thousands to buy and maintain, are very messy , take ages to set up and you waste loads of gear doin it and you could proberly do it quicker by hand
church said:
Wow 400 SHEETS FOR BOLTS , makes you wonder about these machines :-\
makes you wonder about m-tech but if someone wants to find a reason to put machines down they will, all i know is i have had no end of labourers who aint worth s**t , expect top money so they can spend all day texting or speaking to the bone ideal mates. I can easly spray a 60m2 gable on my own with the machine , it dont stop until i want to and is ready to go again when i want to, ( wish women were like that) .
warriorupnorth said:
Loomo what costs do you incur with your diesel machine mate ?
Very little to be honest, obviously the diesel (say about three litres a day max as cleaning out takes a bit plus the boy washes the van with the power washer every day).

The rotor and stator are quite expensive, paid about £400 but could probably get them cheaper, ( but they last for ages especially with some of the course gear that's in lafarge's screed and other stuff we have tried to pump but shouldn't have :-\

Then maintainence, grease cartridge every fortnight and about £50 a year for filters and oil etc.
gloves on,get working ,ding a ling a ling, gloves off, answer phone or reply text, gloves on, working,ding a ling a ling,gloves off.
gloves can be expensive
you should factor in time wasted and all sorts of unknowns letting you down or catching you out in the early days too which can make your eyes water or give you a coronary. Most of the time it'll be user error but some materials only like certain rotors and stators and a lot of the time it's up to you to suss out what's best for your machine but does take dark days of lost productivity to gain experience in this game. All this 'gaining experience' costs a lot of money where a hundred quid seems like pocket money to get you out of the sheit!
Only had machine for about a year and only onto second one, first one took a bit of abuse cos i was still learning about machine and would have probably lasted a lot longer but i put it back on for screeds now and use the new one for just render so one a year will easily do for me.
I have only done near 400 hours and i like to move the pump round the house and just use one hose when spraying if i can get away with it and we haven't sprayed that high so i would imagine that prolong's their lifespan.

I'm away to do 4 whole cube of screed this morning.
It's the sp11dqr, 4 cylinder made for spraying renders and screeding. It's the 2L74 i'm sure but it might be a 2L6, i'll confirm that tomorrow if i remember to look..
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