Ritmo xl almost here

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Hey guys les is sending the beast out by courier tomorrow. Arrived from germania last friday. After I put me winkle away and mop up will post a full set of pics of her
Cheers rich been waiting since march or feb I think for the little men in white coats to let her out the stables
The first job we got lined up is a sprayed acrylic on base coat which should be interesting and clean! Well it's to be used ey.......better get the pics up before it looks 5 yrs old
Found out this morning that the xl will plug into the mains in single phase mode.........that changes everything
Yeah les was on the blower at 8.15 foaming at the mouth bout the 240v blue adapter in the packaging.....so opened it up plugged it into mains with rcd and voilà. 3 phase power for render and silent 240 mains power for inside or bucket coats in one machine....simply beautiful
darran you can use it for render on any job you have single phase. u should be able to use about 20mts of pipe with your d5 pump. so its win win.
as for finish i asked the question in Germany and dr falk didnt dismiss it. its only a case of adapting a suction flange to take the powercoat set up.
Cheers eee have wondered if single phase mode would work for render but that answers it. 20m of pumping distance is proper useable. What kw is it in single out of interest? Was it 3 ish? Can't wait to try it to see how far can push it in single phase off mains with genie for backup in case of problems
does that mean its as gutsy as the bigger machines in 3 phase mode i guess what iam trying to say is .if the bulk of your work is mono would you still go for the bigger machine . i do 50/50 between mono and eifs thin coat systems . so what i am thinking is the xl would be perfect for me if it has the same output as the g4 or similar
Yes kev, it comes in either single phase, 3 phase or the one I've chosen which is dual voltage which allows it to run off a 3phase gennie in 3phase 5.5kw power and can be switched to run in single phase mode with speed control. Or it can be run off just single phase by plugging into mains with an rcd as well. Best of both worlds mate.
IT all sounds good but sounds a bit complicated to me. my g4 is so simple to use imo, I am very interested though goody so keep me informed and if it is top banana I may have one

les rang me today and said it was a real nice machine but he was having trouble cleaning the hopper out after some hardwall snapped set and as he was told not to use it by goody he is now a little worried. Cant blame him for wanting to try it out first can you ;D ;D ;D
Lol... It is bigger than you think.......but I think that's because you expect a ritmo with 3 phase power. Not possible. It's shorter, narrower and lighter than a g4/5 but is 'big for a ritmo' as it has to be. When you judge it within it's class then things start to make more sense. As a machine of some 225kg which can go from 0.6 to 60 litres/min off 3 phase for max clout or mains power for convenience it breaks new ground in its' versatility. A machine fit for purposes :)
goody said:
Lol... It is bigger than you think.......but I think that's because you expect a ritmo with 3 phase power. Not possible. It's shorter, narrower and lighter than a g4/5 but is 'big for a ritmo' as it has to be. When you judge it within it's class then things start to make more sense. As a machine of some 225kg which can go from 0.6 to 60 litres/min off 3 phase for max clout or mains power for convenience it breaks new ground in its' versatility. A machine fit for purposes :)

Please please stop Goody I'm starting to get interested, damn you machine plasterers >:(
You will probably not require a genny on many jobs so thats a big space saving plus the compressor is built in the frame so theres another thing you dont need. Its gonna be a very good selling machine
nice mate looks like the bmw of plaster machines ...............doubt youll be leaving it on site overnight :-\
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