Ritmo Vs hand Applyed

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New Member
Ok so the ritmo can spray finish,but you only put 1 coat on as opposed to laying on by hand with 2 coats,goes against the grain of what you were taught.What do BG say about applying with machine????
in my mind you are only putting on in 2 coats to get the desired thickness but the ritmo and the m100 ar doing that in 1 coat
Does the plaster feel the same when flattening in? Long spats would be more effective than your regular trowel surely on that kind of free flowing somewhat rendering kind of process(like with adhesive)?
definatley use the spats , and the plaster feels nice and creamy to use you can set it to pretty much whatever consistency you want
whats the best spats out there the ones i have used in the past just leavr lines and i get that fcuked off with it it goes back in the bag
the one with a wooden handle with an orange bit on it is good and I got mine from pft central. Bend the wings back to break it in then always make sure you use the one side, shouldn't get lines then. Because it's a two handed operation you get a nice feel to the overall shape of the wall and can correct by cutting off highs at an almost right angle and filling as you go. Nice long sweeping strokes with minimal overlaps I find.
ive got a spat but ive not tried it on finish yet but will have a go next week its 24" but my trowel is 20 so wont make much difference but will try it i suppose everyone would like another 4":) the only thing the machine will do is apply it and anyone who can skim will tell you the work is in the trowel plus on your own a machine would hold you up in my opinion.
flynnyman said:
ive got a spat but ive not tried it on finish yet but will have a go next week its 24" but my trowel is 20 so wont make much difference but will try it i suppose everyone would like another 4":) the only thing the machine will do is apply it and anyone who can skim will tell you the work is in the trowel plus on your own a machine would hold you up in my opinion.
20" trowel yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn
spunky said:
flynnyman said:
ive got a spat but ive not tried it on finish yet but will have a go next week its 24" but my trowel is 20 so wont make much difference but will try it i suppose everyone would like another 4":) the only thing the machine will do is apply it and anyone who can skim will tell you the work is in the trowel plus on your own a machine would hold you up in my opinion.
20" trowel yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn

did i mention i use a 20" trowel lol
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