im a pva for skim, waterproofer/plasticiser for render type of bloke...
only time i used sbr was for mixin up with neat cement..
sbr slurry u all think?? nope..
we were knocking up sbr+neat cement, no water for a 'bottle cove'..
say you had an old house, 100yrs+..
inject the walls (damp)
sort the levels etc..
tank the odd bit..
the floor however, different story, tends to be either 4" concrete sitting straight on silt with no membrane..short of diggin it out and re concreting with jab, hardcore etc what can you do??
chemical dpm...sod the rubber stuff, one product is a two part mix, sets like bleedin glass, 2 coat application, works. end of. really well.
so what do you do with the joint where the floor meets the wall and you discover that the walls were rendered BEFORE the floor was in and they bridged the damp before you hacked off and theres now a 20mm gap between the floor and the wall which contains old lime render...piss wet through...
sbr+cement stiffish, fillet the joint out (use a bottle if u want a lovely shiny curve, hence 'bottle cove')
works, end off. really well
this isnt a damp proofing tutorial, this is a testimony to the qualities and uses of sbr.
you couldnt do that with pva