rendering up to the window

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Active Member
hey everyone
on a home project and have just one more little question. think im thinking, to much on this but going to ask anyway as dont want to cock it up! Regarding rendering up to the upvc window frames is it ok to just render straight up to them and leave a nice edge or is it best to use a render stop bead?or is there another method im unaware of?
Just thinking will it crack or anything?
normally i would use an angle bead plastic are a good choice cause they don't ever rust or if there is hardly any reveal a stop bead will be fine or you could use a brush and have a curved angle hope this helps
he's on about tight up the window frame wil...
stop bead it mate or run it in... its up to you, at least with a stop bead you can just run the trowel and float up it...
quicker, and neater...
cracking isnt really the issue, the render wont bond to the window...
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