Rendering underneath a bell drip which is above a window

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New Member
If I render underneath a bell drip fitted above a window is it important for the render not to reach the edge of the drip (i.e. so it still retains a downwards angle when viewed from inside), or is it ok to render right up to the end of the drip so as to be square and at 90 degrees to the wall?
Rendering underneath a bell drip which is above a window i.e. like this so a downwards angle on the interior of the drip is retained?

Rendering underneath a bell drip which is above a window Rendering underneath a bell drip which is above a window or like this, so it is rendered to the bottom of the drip underneath and the rendering there is at 90 degrees to the wall?
I dont think it matters, but i dont render underneath them..........other opinions may differ
i dont render underneath them aswell... no point, maybe silicone where the bead buts the wall though..
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