rendering the inside of a pond !!

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New Member
In the process of building a large pond in me back garden, rather than put a liner in im gonna S&C render the inside.

Is there an additive that i can put in the mix to make it water tight ?? or am i as well to just rub it up and then tank it ??

Cheers Mush my opinion pal....just put a fair dose of water proofer in ya scratch coat, leave atleast 24 hours...dampen down, then top coat, then finish how eva ya want

if ya want ya cud put some waterproofer in ya top coat..just to act as a plasterciser.
but thats not a must

hope tht helps pal ;D
I had to quote a job once a pond the guy said it had to be done with this fibreglass cement , never done the job but looked this stuff up ,its for ponds and swimming pools etc
ah ritey...sounds just the trick then pal..
ill hav a gander just in case ;D
nice one.......thats wats gud about this site....u learn about new things when ya not even asking the question.
gud times :)
I built a raised fish pond last year in my back yard, Used medium density blocks and mixed waterproofer in the cement to bind blocks.
Scratch coat 4-1-1, mixed more waterproofer and layed on thick 6mm, then top6-1-1 coated with small amount of waterproofer about 4mm with those micro fibers from wickes.
Let that cure for 3 weeks and painted with a pond sealer and filled up 3 days later.
That has worked for my pond and the fish are happy.
Even with 4 inches of ice in winter.
completed my second pond last year and yes if you render it on block use either a decent plastering sand with water proofer and fibre entrained ,then when completely dry get it fibre glassed by some one who knows what they are doing, or fix kingspan to the walls and floor and glass those, keep you water warmer in winter months or save money if you intend heating your pond (pointless spending all that money on reinforced concrete bases and blocks to scrimp on the finish and your fibre glass will way outlast any pond sealer) Are you fitting a bottom drain ,what filter ,returns ,skimmer, gallonage ,pump etc are you planning to use , take my advise and plan it well and do it right first time because every koi keeper in country have built ponds and thought " i wished i had done it this way" plenty of websites and forums if you need any expert help and there is a national BKKs show on this weekend near Nottingham i think always plenty of stuff on offer and expert advice
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