richardbrown said:yes mate it'll be fine. Not the best practice in the world but I have done it loads and had no problems
plasterjfe said:richardbrown said:yes mate it'll be fine. Not the best practice in the world but I have done it loads and had no problems
Naughty boy, im tellin
can you finish the basecoats the same way as sand and cement plaster i know they go down thinner than normal cheersplasterjfe said:You could take my answer as I wouldnt if i were you. but then i am not you so you could try it, that doesnt mean to say that i would try it tho. does this help?
Seriously pal if you want to save time on stuff like this you should swith to an ocr product. thats what they do save time and go on in one hit. try krend or weber basecoats you will love em
can you sponge it up aswell mateplasterjfe said:chuck it on at around 10mm or you can go thicker if you like. you can float it off or I bar it back etc but if you used to ruling and floating then try this out first it will finish the same
church said:A scratch coat has to be allowed to dry ,shrink back and form a bond naturally to a substrate before you can top coat ,basically if you want something to stick and hold to something it has to have a solid base ,adding weight to something that's not fully adhered to a substrate may cause problems . ;D