rendering sand

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Alright chaps,

Having a bit of moment I have a little bit of rendering that needs to be done.

We normally used soft washed sand.... is that the same s "plastering sand" from wickes?

Also any ideas on where to get sand cheaper than wickes as they charge £20 delivery


No Dan plastering sand is more course than soft wash , some call it fine wash sharp but thats the stuff you want , most pits will deliver for nowt but be carefull some pits call plastering sand sharp sand :o and you have been off the tools to long ;D ;)
lol thnkas for the replies I have phone trade point and they will deliver for nothing thankfully they remember me from when I was

£35 a tonne

Soft washed is what I thought but just cant

I going to Trade point tomorrow to get a look and makes sure its the stuff
Yes he is McPlaster , his just too clever to be in the same trade as us , and he smokes to much ;D
lol love trade point have you hade your free thermal yet m8 iv had two now lol and small note pads strate tooo the burger stand for a cuppa lol like trade point last time i was there i picked up a makita b8tery for nout lol cough under the bags of plaster cough
yeah I am a plasterer.

I came off the tools to go travelling and then got hernia so its been 18 months really when I have done more than 2 days of plastering in a week.

I make a better living working online than I do on the tools and i still have the energy at the weekend. I do jobs for builders and friends that know me and they are ok with me being slower than I use to be.

And I dont smoke ;)

danny im only a few miles down the road from you. dont bother with wickes or b and q. theyre sand has always been crap when iv used it. just make sure its leighton sharp. butterfields are a good price in luton. obv tp and jewsons but only with account. place in hemel is cheap and good for sand too. cant think of the name at the mo
CPI does not work out as cheap as S&C self mixed. You will get at least 26m2 @ 20mm thickness out of a ton of sand.

today I phoned round and delivery is mega... £20 for literally 5 mile journey.

However I looked at the trade center sand and it looked spot on.... so I am running the risk of using it.....

I am on the mixer I think... I need some manual labour in my life I am getting fat!

I got delivery free and they through in a couple of free cement as well.

I will let you know how we get on

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