Rendering queery??

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New Member
I have recently been asked to do a rendering job for somebody. They are telling me that it can be done with just one coat. I'm only just starting out as a plasterer after college. I have done a few small rendering jobs but always with two coats, a scratch coat then the final coat. I haven't seen the job yet, so I don't know what the background is likebut I assume it is brickwork. If it is put on using just one coat, what problems are likely to happen? if any.
Problems: going off to quick, uneven, you'll see the blocks through the render when it has dried, It wont offer as much protection to the weather as 2 coat work.


If it was the exterior of my house I would want it two coat. When you meet him tell him the reasons above and if he still insists on it then make it clear you will have no comebacks on it

good point if it's jo public one coat it ......youll get youre money before the blocks show through ;)
ah classic case of customer knows best :-\

take richardbrowns advice 8)
just tyrolean the blockwork and say "i warned you the blocks would show through" :-*
use k rend silicone render applied using traditional method or machine sprayed. A through colour render one cote leave for 24 hrs depending on weather then scratch surface the dogs do daa,s.look up k rend on google.
Come on guys this is a simple sand/cement job,the poor bloke has just left college dont fill his head with crap like machine spray k rend etc
real spreads/amature spreads/newbie spreads will im sure use anything when it comes down to money unless u can afford to turn your nose up at work down to principles on materials.I just offered some advice on one cote render sorry if it ofended any one.
customer knows best hey lol. every time..had a few calls this week people wanting quote there and then on phone for "Small job" just skim 3-4 walls "but" there in good nic .. if there in that good condition why not paint um and fill um! skimin is skimin! y do they think that it will make a difrence?

some1 wanted a wall skimin but said they have a £90 buget..
there isnt a one coat hand applied render out there is there ???, you still need to do two passes to get the thickness
popeye said:
real spreads/amature spreads/newbie spreads will im sure use anything when it comes down to money unless u can afford to turn your nose up at work down to principles on materials.I just offered some advice on one cote render sorry if it ofended any one.

LOL didnt offend me mate but In MY opinion the guy has just left college and is a bit wobbly on his feet and nervous so just think he could do with simple advice, whats the chances that he is gonna be using K rend or similar.

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