Rendering outside wall

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New Member
Hi, I am a keen diy person and have a fair bit of experience in plastering but i would just like to check out with the pros that this is the right procedure for rendering.
I have a old out building which has been removed except the back wall which i want to render, the area is 9 sq meters and is made of soft common bricks. I am thinking of wire brushing down the surface and wetting it before i render as is very dry and using a 4 to 1 mix with some water profer and then the second coat with a 5 - 1 -1 with lime , i have found this out by going through old posts on here , could someone let me know if this is ok .
doesn't sound too far off, splash the bricks with a bit of water to test the suction if high i'd probably water down and 5-1 scratch but everyone to their own way!
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