rendering on insulation board

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New Member
Hi all i am after some info on rendering on insulation with sand and cement this is a job i will be doing in belgium apparantly the boards are fixed to the wall then EML screwed through the boards to the main wall my question is would sand and cement hold ok i have never renderd on to insulation boards before i am gueesing this would ussually would be done with k rend or monocouch also would like advice on fixing beads to boards any advice would be appriciated thanks in advance paul packplastering essex
would not expect that it will cope with the thermal expansion and flexibility of insulation so it will really be a case of rendering onto EML and how good it will be I couldnt say.

could you not use a dedicated basecoat ie A pre blended hi polymer that is designed for insulation? such as sm700?
you wouldnt put mono over this either not without a dedicated basecoat first IMO
Hi thanks for the reply it did seem a strange way of doing it to be honest and i didnt think sand and cement would be any good on insulation boards having never done it i wasnt sure if it could be done this job is for my a guy i work with and its what he wanted may have to think again thanks for the info paul .
The council are refurbing the old steel clad houses at the min where my son lives , and a couple of the private ones have had theirs done , one in particular had the same eps with steel cage fixed to his house ( can't find the link for the gear , but it's a yorkshire co) , then dashed using sand and cement , what a mess , looks a right eyesore, great big ripples in the backing etc, we just started doin the sons in eps and acrylic top 1.5 mm and it it looks fantastic puts the others to shame, and we also had enquiry's about doin some more , will post some pics when were done
warriorupnorth said:
The council are refurbing the old steel clad houses at the min where my son lives , and a couple of the private ones have had theirs done , one in particular had the same eps with steel cage fixed to his house ( can't find the link for the gear , but it's a yorkshire co) , then dashed using sand and cement , what a mess , looks a right eyesore, great big ripples in the backing etc, we just started doin the sons in eps and acrylic top 1.5 mm and it it looks fantastic puts the others to shame, and we also had enquiry's about doin some more , will post some pics when were done

its not a strikolith system is it warrior lad?
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