Rendering on Cob/Chalke

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New Member
Evening All,

I have to quote for a render job on a cottage to hack off & re-render the two gables.
What is the best method to do this without any comebacks as its right on the side of a road like a f''''''' show house.
As the walls are sound I was thinkg of Ex metal.
Or I have used before a slurry of SBR,Sand & Cement applied with a tyrolene gun then render.
I am not a cob expert or have never done a great deal so have never used the lime/k=rend methods. As it always sounds hollow after a while which i DON'T want and NO cracks

Any Suggestions with regards to strength of mix etc and costs per m2.
It all comes under building regs now since last october play it safe and see what they say after all its a phone call. If you use sand cement render all your doing is traping moisture behind the stonework, resulting in a world of s**t for you in the future. It's alright looking nice on the outside but what will it do the internal walls. when you say cob what do you mean are you talking about the morter or stones or is the chaulk pressed between the morter and is it lime morter.
yes totally agree you will need a minimum of 3 coats lime render NHL 3.5 should do the trick here... but be very very carefull how you price the job as cob work eats the render up as its all over the place and at £12.00 per bag that only covers 1m2 @10mm so check your dubbing out material very carefully as it could cost you a fortune... better still price it labour only... and allow a minimum of 7 days between each coat, and cover each coat ith mortar fleece
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