Rendering Help

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New Member
Wondering if anyone can help?

I quoted for a rendering job but need some advice on the actual work itself.
The customer wanted existing render replaced with new as the side of the house and front had considerable amount of water damage to the internal external walls. The render was 5m x 2.5m down the side and 3m x 2.5m on the front of the house it looked to me that water had got behind the render to cause the damage. Some of the render had fallen off but my main concern was that the brick work looked like it would crumble away if i started to remove the render. The house is a victorian terrace. I told the customer that i think it would be best if they got advice to see if there was any structual damage caused by the water.

Does anyone know a rough price for the job, (remove the render, re-render , bond and skim the internal walls?
Also any tips if i was to go ahead?

If anyone can help i would be very grateful
Not being able to see the job is a bit of an obsticle. :P
Could you price a job for plastering without seeing it first?
But my best guess would be around, 460 quid.
Take off render, re render first coat. = £160
Plaster interior of same, = £120
Final coat of render = £100
And the rest = Total of £460

But I'm bloody cheap!
How many days will it take you? How much are you looking for a shift? Materials?

Apart from that, i think you done the right thing by telling them their wall might be dodgy, and asking for a structure report.
If the brick is dodgy, then your work wont last long!

BTW £460 in my opinion would be the lowest price! Its hard to tell what a job is worth when your not there ;)
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