rendering for insulation purpose inside

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hello chaps could you tell me if there is a render that you can go about 50mm thick .would it do the same job as insulated board or celotex if so would it be a better idea. it a 1930s detached house in the country side .it a very heavy coat of rough cast on the outside
there is a system where you put 10mm eps (polystyrene) on the walls and can skim over it have a look here mate
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insulating renders whilst better than ordinary renders are still fairly negligible in terms of thermal benefit. They're basecoats with polystyrene beads in them which trap small amounts of air however the render matrix that they're all sitting in acts as one hell of a cold bridge so the concept is pretty flawed really. Only good for reveals where clearance is an issue.

Best bet for around 50mm is to use a phenolic board such as Kingspan Kooltherm K5 at 40mm which is more expensive but gives around twice the u-value of eps(polystyrene) and mineral wool. On top of this you could use a thin coat system at around 8mm :)
sorry just realised you meant for the inside doh!......Kingspan's K17 or similar is what you'd need then dot & dabbed on and skimmed over.......done a project this way on an old stone house with foot thick solid stone walls and it makes a hell of a difference to the ambient temperature of the room :)
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