rendering extior

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just wanting to know if using building sand with lime would binde well enough on a render sand scrach coat, the reason for the building sand as a float coat is that the i feel that the local rendering sand is a bit too corse for a smooth render finish anyones thoughts on this one pls lads oh and i know i don't need a retarder in my scrach coat but would it affect the suction rate on my float coat or is just on the strach setting cause the lime will give enough re***d in the float as it is, i got a 3in1 on the cheap thats why i ask :-\
I never used red building sand, alot of plastering sand is course, why dont you try a big merchant they will prob have a bulk of fine sand suitable for render
i wouldn't use building sand , cant you get some soft wash and add some rendering sand to that ? use a waterproof/retarder in the scratch coat and lime and mortar plastiser in the top coat 5-1 then 6-1-1 top coat
i agree with church

use a plastering sand rather than soft sand ,if you are using hydraulic lime it will bind around the plastering sand grains better than soft sand .

tend to agree that finding good sand is getting difficult esp gloucestershire area

martinemj said:
i agree with church

use a plastering sand rather than soft sand ,if you are using hydraulic lime it will bind around the plastering sand grains better than soft sand .

tend to agree that finding good sand is getting difficult esp gloucestershire area


were abouts u from martin?
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