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mate of mine asked earlier. hes gotta render a new house. they want a feature running around the house. he said only way he could think of doing it is sticking 2 20mm stop beads to make them about 25-30 mm pround, then scratch and float so he gets a border about 20mm pround of the render. is this the only way of doing it? can u get specialist beads or something for this?
there is a specialist bead you can get i know les was saying about it (think his mate designed it) but to be honest doing it with stop beads is probably the best way and the neatest way
Ive done something like what mean ,chippy's done the work on the scratch coat by fixing marine ply ripped down then papered and wired looked good when finished but a lot more time consuming . Job was along side the A14 Norwich bound .
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