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only problem i have with it is conflicting guidelines on how to use it..
i think it works really well for 2 coat render, we've just float coated 4 big walls today,scratched yesterday, went like clockwork, skim tomorrow...
Do people still use sand and cement for internal i have had to many probs concerning s and c on internal might just use it on a scratch to save on materials but only ever do limelite or dri-coat on damp treatment now dont get any comebacks on that at all.
how many bags you reckon youd use on a say 15m2 old wall bod? lets say its pretty knackered, well out of flat...its just that last time i had a look at the price of limelite i nearly fell through the floor...ive put maybe 8 barrowloads on one wall 6:1:1 / 8:1:1
id guess at around 12 bags?
but how much is it? ive heard anything from 12 quid to 24 quid a bag?
prolly 40 quid in s&c..
But thats the thing scratch it with s and c then top it with dri-coat which is cheaper than limelite, you dont get the shrinkage with dri-coat as you get with s and c, bloody stuffs a nightmare it just randomly cracks everywhere. I think dri-coat is around £10 a bag and you can get a coverage of any thing from 3 m2 to about 5 or 6 if spread a bit thinner if you know what i mea, I normally give it as an option telling the customer/builder the problems that can occur 3rd option is to scratch in sand and cement then dot n dab.
do you put it in your s/c for skimming mate?
if you're skimming yhe foolowing day, it should still be green and have enough water in it to hit with no probs
3rd option is to scratch in sand and cement then dot n dab.
now that is not a bad idea... 8-)

so this dricoat then, u knock it up in the mixer or a bath?
can u use dri coat just like hardwall ect is it easy 2 use like that or so u have 2 rub it up ect?
Its not like hardwall its as lite as hardwall but rules off like sand and cement, try and rule it off as soon as you lay it on it rules a lot better wet, if you use a refina plastic float you can float it pretty much straight away but always give it the touch test first.
ah thanks...mite try useing it on this job..its only 1 metter high all round the room dnt wanna mess it up dow..
cant beat good old plastering sand 25 a ton mixed properly its great to use for dpc plastering and older properties that are prone to damp waterproofer both coats and no shrinkage
flaz said:
cant beat good old plastering sand 25 a ton mixed properly its great to use for dpc plastering and older properties that are prone to damp waterproofer both coats and no shrinkage

getting hard to find good sand though ---round here anyway---glos

travis or jewson just sell that river sand cr*p

nice yellow pit sand best
I know it sets nice the day after but it's still shrinking isn't it, I leave mine for five days before setting.
Then use dri-coat or limelite as most of the time the shrinkage is no where near as bad as s/c I have only learnt this the hard way :-[
richardbrown said:
thats ideal where you can Andy but what if your doing someones kitchen or whatever and you dont have that luxury ?

Then I wouldn't use S&C, I'd use a product that shrinks as the set takes place.
bodplasterer said:
Then use dri-coat or limelite as most of the time the shrinkage is no where near as bad as s/c I have only learnt this the hard way :-[

if u use hydrated lime dosnt that prevent the s&c shrinking as much. cheers
Not sure on that one sky but i do know every time i have used lime internally there have been other problems such as salts coming through it might have been the sand but it seemed like every time i used lime i would keep getting the same problem.
pour it ito a mcdonalds coffee cup first, that way you can measure your dose out exactly for each mix..
p.s. using the shovel to get the dry mix off the back of the mixer is great..
bit of a bugger if the blades grab it though ;D
Chris W said:
pour it ito a mcdonalds coffee cup first, that way you can measure your dose out exactly for each mix..

I use a kitchen measuring jug, they cost 50p. Don't pour over the bucket and then it doesn't matter if your hand does slip ???
essexandy said:
Chris W said:
pour it ito a mcdonalds coffee cup first, that way you can measure your dose out exactly for each mix..

I use a kitchen measuring jug, they cost 50p. Don't pour over the bucket and then it doesn't matter if your hand does slip ???

i get a McDonalds coffee cup free every morning, comes with the coffee so neeeerrrrrr :P
flaz said:
cant beat good old plastering sand 25 a ton mixed properly its great to use for dpc plastering and older properties that are prone to damp waterproofer both coats and no shrinkage

you can use s and c render on walls that have a damp treatment put on the walls but you are suposed to use dry-coat
Plastered plenty of houses with s&c no problems, if it gets force dried it has shrinkage problems you know gas heaters. We used to skim it with siraphite B finish. Ahh the good old work your gonads off days remember.
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