render over concrete

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Private Member
got a retaining wall to sort out. the substrate is In-situ-concrete smoothish client is concerened about damp travelling through the ground behind into the front where we will be rendering. what do you recon to rendaid or lankolatex will it be a suitable slurry coat to then just hit with a render because he is asking about membranes and cavity systems an all that but the cost for the size is daft.
lads who have had this before plz comment

I aint worried about how to get over the concrete its more a question of will the receivers hold back the damp from the other side

PS imo i dont even think damp will make it through the concrete your thoughts pls
All you cam do is seal it with SBR or some similar product,blanket scud it,then scratch with waterproofer and float with a shovel of lime in each gauge.It should have been really tackled from the opposite side before back filling ,but thats not your problem bud.You can only seal your side.
From what you have said mate the only way to stop water coming through is to tank it , if the wall is no more than three metres high then you could use a cementitious slurry in two coats , any more than three metres then the pressure at the base off the wall would be too much for the tanking system , unless there are weep holes every 600mm,if not then it's a case off digging out the back and applying a membrane to the back side, drainage etc, i don't think receivers would cop with the hydrostatic pressure (depends on height off wall, what it's retaining, drainage etc etc ) really kneed a lot more info mate , as you can appreciate it's difficult to asses a job like this without all the relevant info and even being able to see the job for your self, don't know if i've helped or not (probably not ::))
We dont do much of that stuff over here,basically sand and cement ,dashing wet and dry ,tyroleen,and some colured renderers like k rend ,monocouche etc.
We dont do much of that stuff over here,basically sand and cement ,dashing wet and dry ,tyroleen,and some colured renderers like k rend ,monocouche etc.

what part of Dub u from Spreads ? or do ya traaaaaaaavel a bit ;D
Will txt you a photo 2moz paul. wall is just about over 2 metres high and there are steps up and through the middle onto the patio wich the wall is supporting then the building stands on the patio level also about two metres back so its not like soil and stuff that will drink and hold moisture, i recon most rain will run off
irish_spread said:
We dont do much of that stuff over here,basically sand and cement ,dashing wet and dry ,tyroleen,and some colured renderers like k rend ,monocouche etc.

what part of Dub u from Spreads ? or do ya traaaaaaaavel a bit ;D
Have travelled but im not a traaaaveller,gone as far as kerry,recently asked to go to portugal,declined ,too busy.
Warriour is right, it depends what the wall is holding back, how much water will be in the soil in wet months etc. the problem should have been sorted iin the begining with tanking and a French drain if they dont want to excavate and do it properly explain it to them and do what ever but dont guarrantee it.
agreed. the top deck it paved so i dont think alot of water will go into the ground, i recon it will run off. got the idea of a carrier board or rendalath tho so as to keep the remder off the concrete completely
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