Render job!

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New Member
Ok so i did my first rendering job since my course.
And the patch i did looked fine at the time, but now it has dried it is a lot lighter in colour & looks a bit odd with the rest of the wall.*
There is a small bit of crackage but I'm not worried about that.
I just need to know how to blend the colour so it looks like the rest of the wall?
Or should I have put a tinter in the 3and1 rendering mix?

Thank you in advance.

Here is a photograph:

Oh i forgot to paste the link.

Here it is:

Render job!
I would have just cut the two bricks out and then re pointed.... easy peasy and it wont look like an abortion
I did not wish to sound unkind to you mate , but are you taking the piss. Thinking on it what made you render it anyway????
If this is what they teach you on these courses the rest of us have nothing to worie about . Lol that's the ruffest thing I've ever seen did oasis and his team help you with that . Lol
i think ahmed is a legend!

well at least this time you did the job, not your FRIEND who skimmed that bathroom ceiling last time... i mean this cracking is getting a bit of a trade mark with u ahmed, first YOUR FRIEND's bathroom ceiling cracked, then your render? what next?

cant wait for next post..............
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seriously Ahmed you have tried to match the texture in... and you havent done a bad job at that... i have to be honest... but the next time mate get a little bit of brick red colour pigment to add to the render... if you ever ever get asked to patch brickwork in again... but seriously mate... buy 2 bricks the next time :) Allah love a tryer... no pun intended
jay what do you think mate ha ha

Madmonk the smileys were for your post!! It made me chuckle out load that did.:RpS_thumbup:
'This has got to be a wind up' was/is intended for this thread it has just got to be a wind up, its just got to be???????????
He's not real. He is one of the members on here.

Danny - can't you match his I.P address with another members?
hes real allright, he phoned me about a job fairly local to me. Unfortunatley I m really
busy at the mo and the jobs in Crayford, Kent if any of u lads can help him out :RpS_sleep:
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