Private Member
every time i get renderplas of late there is always a problem curled flanges on the stops and brittle plastic sometimes cracks when cutting also from keels they keep givin me 15mm stops and 17mm corners and they insist they are 15mm even when i went back and held the two profiles together showing one bigger and even put the tape measure on it to prove it but they just wont listen. THEY DONT LINE UP!
Now I admit I am very fussy about beading up nI feckin hate shoddy beadin but your pi55in in the wind when they dont supply the right ones. "oh we got ivory and (er let me guess ??) white"
i can get sas probeads from one supplier but its an organised delivery order etc I want to be able to just roll up and grab em sometimes.
Anyone got any good bead suppliers they wanna tell us about in northwest?
Thats my rant over now
Now I admit I am very fussy about beading up nI feckin hate shoddy beadin but your pi55in in the wind when they dont supply the right ones. "oh we got ivory and (er let me guess ??) white"
i can get sas probeads from one supplier but its an organised delivery order etc I want to be able to just roll up and grab em sometimes.
Anyone got any good bead suppliers they wanna tell us about in northwest?
Thats my rant over now