Render arches

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Elite Member
Priced a render job up recently, he also wants the archways curved off, theres a few to do 8)

Here's the pics.

Render arches

Render arches

Render arches

And here's some of the windows:

Render arches

Render arches

Render arches

I'll post finished pics if I get the job ;)
plasterjfe said:
i would render up to the first curve edge on that door. it seems a shame to cover over the brick doorway IMO

I know what you mean, but he wants rid of the detail just wants a smooth curve on it. :-\
I cant believe the planning dept are allowing him to do it absolute criminal rendering over that.
I know, I think it'll look 5hit with the corners rounded off with render. :o
But that's what he wants. ;)
wow this is the sort of job you walk away from unless your 100% confident.. i cant see how you would get a finish on it..
However if he is adamant about it
I would fill all the hollows out and build them up then i would scratch the lot and embed mesh into it to save cracking...
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