rend aid

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Private Member
using rendaid today got around quartar of way through pallet and it changes dramatically from rendaid ive always had to a much lighter not as sticky gear and realy gritty that didnt need as much water, although much easier to use, anybody had this before?
kirk johnstone said:
what dose rendaid do ? never used it rendaid is a bonding agent made by weber kirk you stipple it up with a stiff brush to form a key an its left to dry its polymer based a bit like an sbr slurry
pftmonojetman said:
Were you spraying mate
yes mate, wasnt a prob just sprayed a bit wet for a while til we sorted water out, never seen this gear before tho ,it was like les s pre rend , really gritty, better i reckon
every part of the top coat has blown , rep came out and said we never scratched it enough,lol,wot a helmet, cant be doin with this off on holiday on fri .,builders goin mad, :-\
merlin said:
every part of the top coat has blown , rep came out and said we never scratched it enough,lol,wot a helmet, cant be doin with this off on holiday on fri .,builders goin mad, :-\

Now dont bite my head off merlin there is no way a top coat can come off on a decent scratch coat coz of mechanics.
merlin said:
every part of the top coat has blown , rep came out and said we never scratched it enough,lol,wot a helmet, cant be doin with this off on holiday on fri .,builders goin mad, :-\
they say you can stipple it with a stiff brush aswell so in other words weber are contradicting themselfs
dont know mate , how can a coloured render be different colours when its all suppsed to be same colour? on back of rend aid bags it states apply to a thickness of 2-3 mm with steel trowel and scratch,!
in original post i said rend aid was much different , maybe that has something to do with it ! do you think the whole building was scratched poorly , surely parts of it would be scratched deeper than others yet the whole lot has blown,
the rep has seen it already he took of a 1/2m2 and his mind was made up! i think his mind was made up before he even seen the building!
flynnyman said:
simplybesty said:
so what you saying fanny??.

Im sayin what i just said how can a top coat come away from a scratch (a proper scratch) coz of mechanics.

Yeah and there was this unsinkable boat called the Titanic and...................
merlin said:
dont know mate , how can a coloured render be different colours when its all suppsed to be same colour? on back of rend aid bags it states apply to a thickness of 2-3 mm with steel trowel and scratch,!
in original post i said rend aid was much different , maybe that has something to do with it ! do you think the whole building was scratched poorly , surely parts of it would be scratched deeper than others yet the whole lot has blown,
the rep has seen it already he took of a 1/2m2 and his mind was made up! i think his mind was made up before he even seen the building!

Merlin colours can be differentt and its not uncommon and i agree with simple these guys will try anything and everything to pass the blame so when he took his sample did he not show it to you and say "there you go no scratch"?
flynny not bein funny mate but i work with these renders every day i know what im doin and ive been rendering for over 20 years i know how to scratch renders , what im saying is and i think you missing the point is that the rendaid was different ,now i posted this in march stating the fact , i just seems weird that the only time ive ever had a top coat delaminate was on this rendaid, coincidence i dont think so!
merlin said:
flynny not bein funny mate but i work with these renders every day i know what im doin and ive been rendering for over 20 years i know how to scratch renders , what im saying is and i think you missing the point is that the rendaid was different ,now i posted this in march stating the fact , i just seems weird that the only time ive ever had a top coat delaminate was on this rendaid, coincidence i dont think so!

Im not questioning your experience for one minute and you did mention the problem a while back but did the rep not show you the problem ie scratch coat? Im not here to defend plaster suppliers around the world im tryin to work out the problem.
its scratched properly mate believe me, im particular with things like that but if they say its not scratched properly what can i do , im f@cked , its not the first time ive had problems with this render!
sorry merlin, when you say its all blown, do you mean ALL of it or just the top coat on the rendaid that was different?
merlin said:
the top coats blown off the rendaid mate!

So you would be left with a scratch coat that shows it was scratched properly so how can they argue the toss you never scratched it?
if the whole lot has come off it cant be down to scratching because even with no comb it would try to hang on in places anyway. if the whole top coat has blown off, and all at the same time its gotta be down to adhesion or basically the opposite there was either no adhesion or something up with the rendaid that has stopped any passive suction. are you sure it wasnt the top coat that was the problem?
yeah meeting out there later this week , however i dont trust the c@nts to test it , if theres an underlying problem theyll proberly wouldnt admit it! ???
there are other companys who do testing i used to see a van on m11 that did this sort of thing i will try and find them and get you a number
What was the top coat Merlin ?

Was there strength in the top coat ?

I had a job do similar on a s/c job and the top coat was the same strength as a digestive biscuit.... never did get to the bottom of it
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