removing plasterboard and dri wall adhesive

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Private Member
just been to see a job... and all the ceilings and walls in this house are artex'd....... it looked fecking horrible. the thing that i couldnt understand was the fact that the walls were dot n dab'd.... so it wasn't like it was artex'd to hide the fact the walls were in a bad way ??? ???

can any1 tell me what its like removing plasterboard and dri wall adhesive and how long it will take.. the room is 5m x 3m

cheers trowel addict
The boards will come off a piece of piss, however the adhesive wont. You will need to get it off with a bolster chisel and will come off as fast as you can go
it comes off quite easy mate iv had a job my self like that once, if you get a good angle on the adesive and get your chissel on it it will all come off in a lump especially if the walls are fooked under neath , but if not it may break off in to bit by bit , id wear ya goggggggles theres a nack to it. ,
pretty sure id be bonding and skimming rather than creating 1/2 skipfull of crap which i then have to get rid of..
FatmanWithATrowel said:
Were the boards skimmed ? Seen DIY artex to cover bad DIY skimming or even no skimming.

Think i prefer wood chip ;D
HA HA fecking wood chip!! poor-mans artex!!!

Ive never got my head round why anyone would put paper on a wall when its full of woody bits like. :-)
yaaayyy all ip to the chip! all ex to the tex! keeps us in work lads!
belive me u wouldn't be scraping it..... this pattern is medievil. its also painted with silk which dont help. so i think the only option is to replace the boards and skim. unless your a nutter ha ha
so dont scrape it then..just knock the worst of it off and bond it level...
thats what bondings for, low suction backgrounds, it sticks like nothing on earth..
this is why theres sometimes confusion on whether to use bonding or hardwall..
if its shiny, use bonding, if its back to brick, use hardwall..
seriously mate, unless its goin on over an inch thick youll save yourself a headache...not to mention a skip..
not sure if its true never tried it meself but ive heard if you put neat pve around the dabs then there meant to fly off
i agree there's no way i'd be ripping those boards off and starting again either bond them out or use a thick coat of skim followed by another 2 coats if thats what it takes to catch it.
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