regs: minimum internal wall thickness question

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Somebody may be able to answer this question,
What are the regulations restrictions on minimum thickness of an internal non bearing load wall construction?
In my situation I would like to use a 3/4" 8'x4' sheet of ply between two bedrooms to provide a repositioning of a normal width door.
The reason is in order to increase an adjacent bathroom area to provide a shower opposite the proposed new wall, but dimensions restrict the use of a conventional thickness stud wall of the same dimensions.
Any other alternative would require substantial expensive re-jigging .
if you can get a solid fixing floor and ceiling 3x2 cls should be ok with noggins to stable the wall. anything less i think will be bit fragile
I can ensure it will be fixed solidly, whether it would be sound proof is another matter, but my worry is that this method might infringe some regulation but so far can't find anything to the contrary?
It doesn't break any rules for a domestic dwelling that I'm aware of, however, if it's for a rental property it may well contravene the fire regs. Also as @malc says, the occupants of the bedroom will be able to hear everything going on in the bathroom.
If you replace or build an internal wall where there wasn't one then it's subject to building regs. The main part being fire regs and a single sheet of ply isn't going to come close to meeting the requirements.

The only thin wall that I know of which does/did is paramount board.
we have one stud wall in our place that is using cls sideways with 12.5mm board on each side :D sound insulation inbetween the noggins and all is good :D
"Any other alternative would require substantial expensive re-jigging"
I that case I think it would be best to do the above which means building (moving) a stud wall about 12cm to accommodate a door normal width door.
or metal stud wall is quite narrow. bed to bathroom non load bearinbwont require and regs or fire as long as not a rental property as said above.
as danny says 50mm apr rockwall for a little sound absorbtion is always recommended